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Hi all. I am looking to create youtube tutorials with my online alter ego, RowdyRobot. I want to try to use Character Animator to animate a synced avatar, shown above, to my voice. He would be explaining what is happening in the tutorial.
My question here is how to use Audition to synthesize my voice into a more robotic sound.
Can anyone suggest how I might go about doing that? Any filters, youtube tutorials, etc?
It would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Russell, one of our fellow Adobe Community Professionals has you covered on YT
Search his channel for other versions.
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Mike Russell, one of our fellow Adobe Community Professionals has you covered on YT
Search his channel for other versions.
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Thanks for the lead Euan
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You're welcome !
In case it hasn't occurred to you, do your CA animation using your normal voice, THEN robotise it and lay it back.
That way the lip sync will work much better.