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Extremely long Audition Export Times

New Here ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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I run the podcast for my company and I am definitely a beginner. I successfully used Audition last year to record and export episodes of our podcast. The longest episode was 45 minutes long and maybe took 10 minutes to export at the most. All I do is clean up the audio by denoising and cutting out unnecessary words and spaces. There are 3 tracks: the intro/outro spoken word (recorded in Audition), the main podcast material (recorded in Audition), and the intro outro music (brought into the audition from a separate file).  I'm getting multi-track mixdown export times of 3 hours for a 30-minute podcast. I don't believe I'm doing anything different than I did last year when I had no issues. Also, the export times seem to be random I might try to export it and it will say anything between 1.45hrs -133hrs. Besides denoising, no other effects are used. Another thing I've noticed is that the export time indicator seems to keep rising exponentially. Any suggestions on what could be going on would be very appreciated!







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