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I'm confused by the behaviour of input and output

Explorer ,
Jan 05, 2021 Jan 05, 2021

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I have a laptop with it's own speakers and a USB Blue Yeti microphone connected to it. I configured the hardware this way:


Screenshot 2021-01-05 200915.pngScreenshot 2021-01-05 201010.png


Now, the weird thing is this. When I press play in Audition to listen what I just recorded I can only hear it if in Windows I select Blue Yeti as my audio output:


Screenshot 2021-01-05 201229.png


If I select my speakers as outout, nothing comes out of them, if I select my microphone as outout, sound comes out of my speakers. What's going on?


The second problem is this. Even though I'm almost reaching red on my recording signal, when I play back it's quite quiet. Changing the volume of my laptop has no effect, the volume of playback doesn't change (other than if I lower it all the way to 0, the playback gets properly muted). Any ideas what's going on here?


Is there a way to have this work sensibly? I tried using WASAPI as the interface and the result was horrible mess of crackling noise.







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