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Offline media relinking unclipped / out of sync

New Here ,
Dec 29, 2021 Dec 29, 2021

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Hello! I need to update an older Audition file and see that some of the media is offline. It involved a single track that was spliced into many small segements to clean it the voiceovers, etc. When I relinked it, it just linked the media with it starting at the beginning and running across all of the spliced clips therefor all of the edits are gone, despite the media still being broken into

chunks. Please say there is a way around this so that I don't have to spend innumerable hours starting from scartch... 

Screen shots attached, you'll see the gaps of silences that are there now, etc. 

(I have Audition CS6. I know, I know.)

Thank you!

Screen Shot 2021-12-29 at 11.21.58 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-12-29 at 11.17.37 PM.png

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