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OMF export absurd file sizes

New Here ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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I have a 40-min audio documentary with a bunch of historical clips that I'm trying to export as an OMF. I'm using "Referenced," not "Encapsulated," so that I'm not bound by the 2 GB limit. Ideally, I'd like to export the entire referenced audio files or as much as them as possible.


When I choose "Use Entire File," the export instead gives me 10 second handles on the side of each audio file. Does anyone know if there's a way to get an OMF to export with the entire referenced audio files?


(For kicks, I also tried "Trim Audio Files to Clip Length" and put in 30s handles, to see if I could get more of the original files. The OMF export re-saved each individual cut's reference file as its own new sound file, resulting in a 150GB folder.)


Thanks for any help!







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