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Problems with delay when recording with adobe audition

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Nov 01, 2023 Nov 01, 2023

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I have been using recording software since back in the days back to Cubase, Fruity loops and many other. Now like 15 years later I was going to start making some music again. With the idea that things had developed since then, I realised it hasn't which is kind of disapointing.


So I have this Rode NT1AI1-KIT Studio Kit and read that this would be a good start.

However, I am so disapointed. The sound does not sound good and the biggest problem is that there is a delay in recoding. When using the mic there is like some milliseconds or even a second of delay between speaking/singing and when its recorded. So all recordings are off beat.

I thought things had become more simple and you didn't have to be a technician any longer in order to record some music. But it seems its still the same. 

I have read many threads and adjusted delay options and things are not getting better. 

Any suggestions on what can be wrong here? I mean im using an external sound card so it shouldn't be that right?

Thank you and have a great day!

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Advisor ,
Nov 01, 2023 Nov 01, 2023

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Some questions for you:

PC or MAC?

Which version of Audition?

What is your "external sound card"?

Does that external card have an ASIO driver and are you using it?


15 years is a long time in techology terms so what you used to do previously may well NOT be the best practice now!





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Community Expert ,
Nov 01, 2023 Nov 01, 2023

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To the best of my knowledge, the Laws of Physics haven't changed in the last 15 years, and there's no way that computer technology can get around them. You have to be just as aware of what can happen - possibly more so now - than you did back then. It takes time to digitise a signal, and if you monitor that digitised signal it has to go through the whole process twice - just as it always has. It's called latency, and that's why there's a direct monitoring path in your interface - if you monitor on headphones it's the only way you'll hear yourself without a delay whilst recording.


Since you have the Rode NT1AI1-KIT, and assuming that you're using a PC, then there's an ASIO driver download available for the Al-1. This bypasses a lot of the clutter that Windows puts in the way of making a recording, and that reduces latency considerably - although not entirely. But it will improve things, definitely, and you should use it. If you have a Mac, then I don't know what you do, because ASIO only works on PCs.


You may well find that when you use the ASIO driver, that the auto-timing compensation works rather better, so things will stack up better, but you'll have to try that and see.


Rode link page to ASIO driver is here. 





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