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Regarding the project format of Audition

New Here ,
Jun 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024

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Recently, I attempted to extract certain information from an 'audition' project file, and the majority of the process was smooth. However, I encountered difficulties when trying to retrieve the volume envelope data for an audio block. Below is a segment of the volume envelope data for this audio block:



<parameter index="0" name="volume" parameterValue="0.444500863552093505859375">
  <parameterKeyframes enableSplines="false" readOnly="false">
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="877161" select="false" type="linear" value="0"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="934794" select="false" type="linear" value="0.477580726146697998046875"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="955558" select="false" type="linear" value="0.558142960071563720703125"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="974984" select="false" type="linear" value="0.64999997615814208984375"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1052584" select="false" type="linear" value="0.682338297367095947265625"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1163819" select="false" type="linear" value="0.7132854461669921875"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1267163" select="false" type="linear" value="0.744235575199127197265625"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1385221" select="false" type="linear" value="0.77036190032958984375"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1484021" select="false" type="linear" value="0.79884588718414306640625"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1613959" select="true" type="linear" value="0.823491275310516357421875"/>
    <parameterKeyframe sampleOffset="1778707" select="false" type="linear" value="0.95058715343475341796875"/>


 I have added a series of volume envelope points in the project, listed sequentially as follows: -∞, -6 dB, -3 dB, 0 dB, and incrementally from 1 dB to 6 dB, concluding with 12 dB. Yet, I am unable to extract the numerical values related to my desired volume levels from the 'value' attributes of these envelope points within the project, nor can I discern their mathematical correlation. Could you assist me in identifying the mathematical relationship between these values or guide me on how to accurately derive the necessary volume levels from the volume envelope data present in the project?

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