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same wave file but different size

Nov 03, 2023 Nov 03, 2023

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Good morning everyone. I need some information. If I generate a stereo audio signal for a certain number of seconds and save the created file in standar not compressed wav format (pcm audio -44/16 stereo) in aution2 I obtain a file of 23,848 Kb. If I do the same operation using aution cs6 I obtain a slightly larger file, 23,853 Kb. The samples, frequency and channels are the same, (I use PCM 44/16/stereo saving wythout compressio) but, why is there this difference? I analyzed the headers of the two files and they are identical. I have no metadata. If I import the file created with cs6 into cs2 and simply save it(standard pcm wave file)...I get a file with the same dimensions as the one created in cs2. Can anyone give me some explanation? thanks in advance to anyone. Mario
How to , Version 3 and earlier






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Nov 06, 2023 Nov 06, 2023

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I'm afraid you are mistaken about the metadata issue - all wav files contain metadata, as it's a part of the file specification. And it won't necessarily be the same from one version to another. Opening a file created in a later version and then resaved in an earlier one will replace that metadata set with the data from the older version. If you open the metadata tab and click on the three dashes and select 'metadata display' you can expose all of the fields. Just a difference in the creator tool data (which there will be) could account for a 5k difference - that's not very much!





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