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sound playing through mme but not asio

New Here ,
Jan 18, 2020 Jan 18, 2020

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I've been using Audition for over a decade.  Just upgraded from Windows7 to Windows10, and now I'm having all sorts of trouble getting audition to work properly.  I have a Lynx e22 sound card.  It shows a signal when playing sound in Audition while in MME, but I get no signal or sound when in ASIO (device class in Audition). Sound will however play from other media programs like Windows Media Player.  Recording in ASIO is a must for the lower latency.  I know this has something to do with Windows10 because I did not have this problem with Windows7.  Does anyone know what's going on and how to fix this issue?  

Audio hardware , Playback , User interface or workspaces






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Community Expert ,
Jan 19, 2020 Jan 19, 2020

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According to Lynx, you need to do both a driver and a firmware update to your card. Have you done these?





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New Here ,
Jan 19, 2020 Jan 19, 2020

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Yes, both updates have been installed (firmware and driver).  When loading a session, by default Audition will boot in MME which will play fine but is impossible to record audio in because of the latency. When switching to ASIO, it says ASIO Lynx (not working) and there is no audio signal detected by Lynx.  Audition however is metering but no sound is heard because of the problem with Lynx in ASIO mode, on Windows10.  Again, this setup worked perfectly in Windows7.  It  appears Lynx ASIO drivers does not play well with the combinatin of Windows10 and Adobe AuditionCC. 


For trouble shooting purposes, I disabled the Lynx and plugged in my Audient ID14 to see how it interacts with Windows10 and Audition.   The ASIO device class worked fine with the Audient ID14.  However the reason why I stopped using the ID14 in the first place is because it's an external usb interface, which takes on higher latency than the Lynx internal soundcard.  So as of right now, I'm stuck with an internal soundcard with driver combatability issues, or an external soundcard with latency.  I mainly record vocals so latency is a major factor.  


It's a shame because I've been a fan of this DAW since CoolEditPro.  Now it appears I will have to learn a new DAW that's compatible with Windows10 and my audio hardware.  





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