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Strange Artifacts in Spectral Frequency Display when Cutting Audio

Community Beginner ,
Aug 04, 2021 Aug 04, 2021

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Hi all,


Whenever I try to cut a small fraction of audio in Spectral Frequency Display I find that many times a random artifact, appearing as a line and sounding like a pop, appears at the edge of wherever I cut audio. It only happens when I use Marquee Seleciton, so is there some reason for this? If so, how can I turn that off? Image attached.


Thanks in advance!

Audio hardware , How to






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Aug 04, 2021 Aug 04, 2021

When you do that, you put a rather unnatural transition into the audio - so that the waveform, which was transitioning at one rate, suddenly starts to transition at another. That's enough to cause an audible disturbance, but only sometimes; it depends entirely upon the content. You can't 'turn that off' because you caused it! To stop it happening, you'd have to alter the slope of the sides of the transition so that it was smoother. I don't know exactly what effect, if any, it has on marquee boun




Community Expert ,
Aug 04, 2021 Aug 04, 2021

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When you do that, you put a rather unnatural transition into the audio - so that the waveform, which was transitioning at one rate, suddenly starts to transition at another. That's enough to cause an audible disturbance, but only sometimes; it depends entirely upon the content. You can't 'turn that off' because you caused it! To stop it happening, you'd have to alter the slope of the sides of the transition so that it was smoother. I don't know exactly what effect, if any, it has on marquee boundaries, but the one thing you should do anyway is to make sure that boundary smoothing is set sensibly in Preferences. Appropriate settings are these:

Smooth edit boundaries.JPG

The smaller those numbers are, the more likely you are to have problems. 5ms is generally good, though.





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