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Trying to get podcast audio better to remove the tin like noise in audio

New Here ,
Jun 27, 2020 Jun 27, 2020

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My sister and I are recording an audio on Adobe audtion. I use a blue yeti mic, and set it to omni-directional. The volume on the mic is set very low and we've put a popsock ontop of the mic to prevent popping. 


We record directly into adobe audition using the mono-track, stero setting. I then take it into a multi-track to edit. Once, I've edited the flow to be correct, I correct the audio in the following way:


  1. Speech volume leveler
  2. DeReverb
  3. Notch filter 
  4. Notch filter
  5. DeEsser
  6. DeEsser
  7. Notch filter
  8. Parametric Equaliser
  9. Single-band compression 
  10. Parametric equilizer 


To the music beds I apply the parametric equaliser and single band compression. Finally to the master track I apply a hard-limiter. I have then exported it to an MP3 ready to be shared. This is just edit 1, however, I'm not too happy with how the audio sounds. I'm trying to make things clearer and make the voices smoother - but everytime I get to the end of editing it sounds a bit metallic. 


Just to note, I'm pretty new to all of this, however, any help would be hugely appreciated! 🙂


These are other examples of our audio (the quality is not amazing)! 😕 




Audio hardware , Export , How to , Noise reduction , Playback






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