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unable to hear audio or edit clip windows 10

Community Beginner ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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I was having no issuses with editing my voice clips, but this one clip wont allow itself to be edited, nor will it play audio. i have the most recent version of audition on a windows 10 laptop yet as i said, no issues till now with one single clip. all others play fine and can be edited and heard no problems. also the clip can be heard in premiere pro like its nothing, hence y i was able to tell it was too long as an outro and needed to be redone fully, so like i did with the intro i tried highlighting with ctrl-a and its grayed out, i try highlighting and it looks as if its making an in and out point instead, and i really need to get this done before i go to sleep tonight, and sleep is needed, as the video im making, is for the class i have in the morning. 







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