Please add Ripple and Roll edits to the Multitrack interface.
I'm not talking about Ripple Delete. I understand that Ripple Delete exists, and how it works. I'm talking about ripple editing, where a change made cascades down the Timeline.
Premiere has Ripple/Roll/Slip/Slide. The idea of a digital media editor without that functionality is, well, hard to believe. Premiere can do it for both video and audio, even keeping transitions intact while the underlying edit is changed! Just port that functionality over to Audition, please!
Particularly in Multitrack, this shortcoming needlessly complicates the editing process. If I need to go back and modify an edit earlier in the Timeline, I have to manually ensure that all subsequent edits are preserved by selecting the remaining content and repositioning it to accomodate the change. If it weren't for some of Auditions other features, I'd edit all my audio in Premiere simply to gain that functionality.