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Anyone else having issues with Bridge 14.1.1 crashing on launch? I'm using OS Sonoma 14.3.1
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This is not the way it's supposed to work. Have you tried rebuilding your Preferences?
Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt-Shift. Then open Bridge, BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, you can choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache,” and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose all three.
Please let us know how this works out.
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I only get two options "rest preferences" and "purge all local cache files". I selected both and Bridge launched only to
display an error message and crash again. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled with no success.
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Got the same problem; CC, Bridge 14.1.1 and Sonoma 14.5. I get an spinning wheel while I try to start Bridge. Removing the preferences doesn't work. Doe you have other solutions?
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Hello Keith,
Did you encounter any Crash Dialog after the above crash? We would like to request to submit the crash report.
Also, would it be possible to share the following folders/files with us:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge 2024 /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.bridge14.plist
Bridge Team
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I suspect the issue might have something to do with the 'custom metadata' extension. I unstalled that and Bridge launched no issue.
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Oh, well, that's a solid indication you found something.
Very good, and congrats!
Back in the early days of the Mac, there was an application called "Font/DA Mover." It moved system enhancements into and out of the system as well as fonts. It was not uncommon for one system enhancement to screw up a different system enhancement. Now, keep in mind that it was not uncommon for someone to have 20-30 or more of these system enhancements. So, when a problem arose, the user had to remove half of them and see if the problem appeared. If not, then flip the half. If that half showed the problem, you removed half of them, etc., etc., etc. until you could narrow down the issue. Remember that you had to restart the computer each time, and if you didn't have a hard drive, you would boot up on floppy disks. It was painstaking.
Good catch on the custom metadata extension. Let them know about this.
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I removed the files:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge 2024 /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.bridge14.plist
and now Bridge runs again, tnx for the suggestion