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Adobe Bridge 11.0 do not access my GPU opening Camera Raw 13.1

New Here ,
Dec 13, 2020 Dec 13, 2020

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Good evening!

Despite my system meets all the requirements wrote down by Adobe (https://helpx.adobe.com/br/photoshop/kb/photoshop-cc-gpu-card-faq.html), Adobe Bridge 11.0 does not uses a single bit of my GPU resources (Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti, with 4 Gb of memory, DDR5), opening Adobe Camera Raw 13.1. and so does Abobe Photoshop 22.1. Otherwise, the latest version of Lightroom Classic, Adobe Bridge 10.1.1 and Adobe Photoshop 21.2.4 makes full use of my GPU when opening the same Adobe Camera Raw 13.1. and I do have a very acceptable performance opening Nikon's D850 and Nikon's D810 raw files.

I think that it is relatively simple, a programing task, to Adobe solve this compatibility issue (or bug), on an up next update.

A Nvidia GTX 1080, with 8 Gb of memory, that problably can solve my problem, costs on Amazon.com.br, about US$ 800,00 (approximately 4,200 BRL$). It's a lot of money for a not so great improvement of CC 2021 over CC 2020.

My Destop Hardware Specs:

O.S.: Windows 10, release 2004
System Drive: Kingston SSD A400 240 Gb
Processor: Intel Core i7 3770 @ 3.4GHz
Mainboard: ASUS P8B75-M LE
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4Gb DDR5
Memory: Kingston 16 Gb DDR3 1600 MHz

I've already made a perusal research about CC 2021 and my system specs meets every and each requirement informed by Adobe. I've checked CPU, HD and GPU (Generally, consider using GPUs with an average operations value per second of 2000 or higher on the PassMark computer GPU reference chart.) https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/directCompute.html. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti has a benchmark of 2,719 ops/second.

Does anyone has similar problems running the latest CC apps, or a sugestion (other than system upgrade) to solve my problem?

Best regards,



Bug , Camera RAW , Image processor , Performance






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