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Adobe Bridge crashes daily on my MacStudio (M1 Max, MacOS Ventura 13.6.1) - The system has no memory. Why uses Bridge 178 GB of memory?
My system stops running - the only solution ist to quit Bridge:
Thank you for help - Greetings from Germany.
Thanks for your feedback.
The issue has been fixed in the latest Bridge release 14.0.1, along with a few other critical bug fixes.
The complete list of fixed issues is available at
Please try the build and confirm if the fix holds up at your end.
Bridge Team
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I'm experiencing severe memory leaks with Adobe Bridge on Ventura 13.6.1 (M1 ULTRA) as well. This issue has been persistent since the version where the Bridge's UI was changed. I hope Adobe acknowledges this and provides an early fix.
Despite these challenges, Bridge is essential for my work. To manage the situation, I've created an AppleScript, despite being a beginner at scripting, that forcefully quits and restarts Bridge when memory leaks begin. It's set up to be monitored every minute with Keyboard Maestro. By default, the script activates when Bridge's memory usage exceeds 20GB.
While I realize my AppleScript might be rudimentary and could have inefficiencies or flaws, it's currently functioning as intended in my case.
-- Set name of the application to monitor
set appName to "Adobe Bridge 2024"
set memThreshold to 20 * 1048576 -- set gigabyte
-- Function to get the process id
on getPid(appName)
return do shell script "pgrep -x " & quoted form of appName
on error
return -1
end try
end getPid
-- Function to get memory usage
on getMemUsage(pid)
return (do shell script "ps -o rss= -p " & pid) as number
on error
return -1
end try
end getMemUsage
-- Function to quit application and force quit if necessary
on quitApp(appName, pid, memUsage)
display notification "Restarting due to high memory usage in Bridge" sound name "Morse"
with timeout of 3 seconds
tell application appName to quit
end timeout
end try
tell application "System Events" to set quitAppFlag to (name of processes) contains appName
if quitAppFlag then
do shell script "kill -9 " & pid
delay 1
display notification "Force quit executed. Restarting now." sound name "Submarine"
tell application appName to run
return "FORCE_QUIT_Used Memory:" & memUsage as text
display notification "Normal termination completed. Restarting now." sound name "Submarine"
tell application appName to run
return "NORMAL_TERMINATION_Used Memory:" & memUsage as text
end if
end quitApp
-- Main routine
set pid to getPid(appName)
if pid is not -1 then
set memUsage to getMemUsage(pid)
if memUsage is not -1 and memUsage > memThreshold then
quitApp(appName, pid, memUsage)
return 0
end if
end if
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Thanks for your feedback.
The issue has been fixed in the latest Bridge release 14.0.1, along with a few other critical bug fixes.
The complete list of fixed issues is available at
Please try the build and confirm if the fix holds up at your end.
Bridge Team
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Thank you for your response. I have updated the application. I have set it to log in case of a memory leak, so I will monitor the situation over the next few days. If I encounter a memory leak again, I will reply to this thread.
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I would like to bring to your attention an issue regarding the Adobe Bridge application. Based on my personal experience, I have noticed that when the Camera Raw interface is opened, the Adobe Bridge application stops working. Additionally, there seem to be several other issues with the application.
I have tried restarting my MacBook Pro, but the application did not work. Furthermore, I have uninstalled and reinstalled the application, but it still fails to function.
I would like to inquire if there is a solution to this problem. Are there any updates or specific instructions that I can follow to resolve this issue? Or are there any additional steps I should take to ensure that the application runs properly?
I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this matter and I look forward to your response.
Thank you very much.