blurred bridge pix in CS6
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Normally I do my rough editing and weeding out of unwanted images in Bridge. I press the spacebar and the image fills the screen, and then I can press a number to rate it and press arrow key to go to the next. If I want more detail I use + or use the mouse wheel to go larger.
Now however, after pressing the spacebar and getting the full screen image I get out-of-focus images that would cause me to delete them, if I hadn't already known that they were not really blurry. When I enlarge the image by the methods indicated, I get a sharp image.
Previously, it sometimes took a few seconds for such an out of focus image to fully load and snap to sharpness, but now it could sit there for hours unchanged.
I have tried restarting the computer, reset the bridge cache, looking at images within a single folder, instead of the multifolder search of all the folders on my recent trip and nothing is changing this.
These are Nikon RAW images and I can't continue editing in this situation.
I took 2 screen shots with a cell phone to show the smaller (unfocused) and larger (focused) images, both taken at full screen size. which leads to 2 more questions. Where is the button to attach them to this email. And why do I have no choice for Photoshop to open them with directly? If I double click, it is Nero media home viewer, and if I use the file menu, there is no 'open with', just 'open', which is the same result. I need to either go to Bridge and open them from the folder they are in or open Photoshop and seek their folder, when I want the simple step of opening directly to be into Photoshop.
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This problem's strangeness has increased. I put the external HD with the images on my ASUS laptop instead of the PC, and the result is the same. but then I tried other folders on the drive, including from the same trip and no problem. This folder was originally copied from one on the C drive of the ASUS before weeding and editing, and the original is still there and doesn't show the problem. And then as I started going through the images in this one folder, I found that all of the latest ones lack the problem and then those before a certain number start showing it, but it is intermittent. A blurred image may be followed or surrounded by sharp ones. (All this is only at the original full screen level, and enlarging, they all show sharp) and then before a certain point, it seems that all the rest have this problem, to the earliest in the folder.