Bridege Image Processor not working
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I have the latest versions of both Photoshop and Bridge on mac. I create jpegs using the image processor featrue in Bridge: Tools>Photoshop>Image processor. Now when I do that, it switches to Photoshop like it should, and then nothing happens. Usually there is a pop up that gives me options: quality, size, etc. but I don't get that now. I tried unistalling and reinstallign luck. Suggestions? thanks.
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Hmmm, I can think of several things, but let's start with the basics:
1) Have you purged your Cache for that folder? (Go to Tools (menu) -> Cache -> Purge Cache for xxx folder)
2) Have you rebuilt your Preferences?
To reset Bridge’s Preferences:
Quit Bridge (if running). Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt-Shift. Then open Bridge BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache,” and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose "Reset Preferences."
I do not know if you'll need the following, but here it is just in case.
Resetting Camera Raw’s preferences:
Hold down the Command key and select Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (macOS*) or hold down the Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows).
Click Yes in the dialog that asks, "Delete the Camera Raw Preferences?"
*On Ventura, it is now called "Settings.”
Let me know if any of this worked
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Thank you for all of the suggections. Sadly none of them has fixed the issue.
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Hmm, this is strange.
Normally, when one has issues with Image Processor, it's because it's not showing up in the Tools menu at all. I do not recall anyone having issues with it existing but not working.
Let me give you one more thing to try: I'm guessing that the Image Processor (IP) is there but showing up for the wrong version of Photoshop. Here's the background deal: The script for IP is installed by Photoshop. If you install Photoshop before Bridge, IP cannot be installed because there is no Bridge for it to be installed into. This is why some people do not even see IP in the Tools menu. The solution is to uninstall both Bridge and PS, then re-install but install Bridge first, then PS.
I am thinking that there was an installation error where Bridge had the script from a previous installation, but once it landed in a different PS than the one that installed it, it bogged down.
So, uninstall both but install Bridge first, then PS.
Let's see if that works.
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That may provide a clue as to what is happening. I had installed Photoshop beta, but after install it became my default version (no bueno). So in the discussions it was suggested that I uninstall my public version (non beta) and reinstall then the the last installed vesion would become the default, that did not happen. As it turned out, I needed to go change it in Bridge settings>file type associations; problem solved. But then this image processor became an issue.
I tried to see if there was something in settings that could be changed to remedy the image processor issue, but no luck that I can see.
I guess I will have to uninstal and renstall both Bridge and Photoshop again and keep my fingers crossed. This PS beta is really mucking up the works. lol.
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I need to follow up on this. I reinstalled Bridge and PS and it worked fine for a bit. Today I used PS beta and when I went to use the image processor in Bridge it stopped working again. Clearly there is some conflict going on between Bridge and both PS and PS (beta). I don't know what it is and I don't know what settings can be changed to remedy this, but uninstalling and reinstalling cannot be the fix. Very frustrating.
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More follow up. installing update to PS 24.7 and the Photoshop option in tools no longer there. so now NO image processor at all. SMDH.
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Regina 7 I have the same issue after installing PS 24.7. I reinstalled the previous version of Bridge and also reverted back to 24.6 and Image Processor is back again.
It appears that PS 24.7 is not installing the Photoshop startup script.
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Thanks for the response. I reset the my Bridge preferences and that seemed to work. At least Photoshop was back under the Tools menu and Image Processor is working again. I did have to go back in Bridge settings and make my normal subscription PS the default for my most used files as it always wants to default to PS beta. I would actully dump PS beta, but I find the generative fill very useful for some of what I do, so I will suffer through the quirkiness, le sigh. I hope this helps.
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Great, I'm glad it's working.
One warning on gen-fill: it is limited to 1040 resolution. So, if your images are generally higher resolution and you do a gen fill that (say) fills in the large portion if you zoom in, you'll see a change in resolution right there on your monitor. Printing will be an issue.
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yep, thanks, I knew this. It is mostly for just mocking up things or creating a kind of "template" for laying stuff out with the original art, if that makes sense.