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I cannot speak for all photographers. But for me, the Review mode in Bridge was always a waste of space. Here it is:
Can I change the size of the displayed image on screen? No. Can I zoom in on it? Only using the utterly useless loupe to pixel peep. Can I display the exposure information? The ISO? The focal length? ANYTHING other than the filename? No.
Thus in version 12 and earlier I used the Slideshow to review my images instead. At least that way I got the whole image on screen AND I got exposure information as well. I didn't get any control over WHAT information was shown, but at least this was more useful than a filename.
Now let's look at the same image presented in version 13:
Soooo now, you have NO way of reviewing photos and being able to see the exposure information (not to mention any of the other metadata fields which you SHOULD be able to display at your discretion, but hey, it's an Adobe product, so....)
Am I missing something or is this yet another Adobe Great! Leap! Forward! in their designers' own minds?
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What about the Metadata Panel?
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What about it?
I think you may be rather missing my point. I want to review the photos IN FULL SCREEN, navigating and flicking between images for comparison AND, see the key exposure information at the bottom. JUST the core information, not the 348 tonnes of surplus information in the Metadata panel. (Yes, I am aware that you can switch some fields in the Metadata panel off, and I do. This too still isn't the point, though.)
You have NEVER been able to do that with the alleged review function because whoever wrote that was too busy creatinh a "gasp-keeeewwwwllll!" carousel effect without bothering to think what the use case for the thing may be. You USED to be able to do something remotely similar to that in the previous Bridge's Slideshow, but someone decided to pull that functionality in Bridge 2023.
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Looks like what you want is not possible within a slideshow.
I have dual monitors so I have a full screen preview panel on one monitor and the metadata panel (plus other panels) on the other. This seems to be the equivalent of what you desire but of course depends upon you having two monitors.
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It IS possible... as long as I keep using Bridge 2022. And frankly there's nothing in 2023 that I'd consider "a great leap forward". Removing a useful feature just strikes me as a very Adobe thing to do.
(Also the second screen thing might or might not work at home - it would depend on whether the metadata panel on the second screen syncs with the display on the main screen)... but it's certainly not an option if you're reviewing the shots "in the field" on a notebook.)
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Have they ever talked to users on what they actually want and how Bridge can be used? How about save a slideshow???? Options to show select metatdata above and below and image in the slideshow???? Same to add to and image and save so you can create an album for people to know what the heck a photo is??? Print function!!! I dont need Photoshop or a bunch of image manupulating tools!