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I am writing to voice my extreme displeasure on the changes to the Bridge 2019 interface. I really liked being able to control the tone of the thumbnail section and the panel section separately in earlier version of Bridge. I also dislike the placement of a dark border around the thumbnail. Stop trying to make bridge look like Lightroom which I also hate because of its black only interface.
Please go back to the old style or at least give us a legacy checkbox.
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Have you tried changing the colours? there are about 4 to choose from.
under interface. I like the second to darkest personally... but i'll need to see if that changes, now that Mojave has Dark Mode.
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I see what you mean about the darkness around the thumbnails though... that doesn't seem quite right.
maybe we'll see an option for this later.
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I agree, the new Bridge interface is a step backwards. I have been trying for a week to get accustomed to it but it is slowing me down.
The new colour dots replacing the colour bars for labeling are infuriating. I have to edit hundreds of images quickly and previously the colour bars are easily discernible with periphery vision. The colour dots are less easy to see particularly when working quickly. Please bring back the colour bars or at least give us the "classic" option. One more thing, I do not like the greyed out stars permanently visible,
they clutter up the label.
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Yea, the STARS used to have the option to remove them... that sucks. I only rate photos from photoshoots. I don't rate illustrator or photoshop or word or excel...etc files.
PREFERENCES needs an update. Stars should have a disable option or only see them when a file has been given them.
Do Not Process files larger than ###MB
This should changed to the following
Process smallest images first
Process image based on last saved.
Do Not process images larger than ###MB . until all others have been processed.
Perhaps i should post this as a new thread.
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I agree. The interface totally sucks. I like to see only previews and thumbnails on white, but if you choose the lightest interface you can hardly see the labels, etc. Come on Adobe. Please fix this.
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I agree. The interface totally sucks. I like to see only previews and thumbnails on white, but if you choose the lightest interface you can hardly see the labels, etc. Come on Adobe. Please fix this.
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Just dowloaded the Bridge update and see that the dots have been made marginally bigger. Thanks Adobe, but the old colour bars are so much more practical.
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I agree!! It just sucks of young designers who force their ideas upon established practitioners without options. I also hate in Photoshop 2019 this window that opens every time I close an image. I CAN"T SWITCH THIS OFF. SO ANNOYING. Does anybody know how to do this please?
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does checking off Use Legacy "new Document" interface fix what you are saying about PS?
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Please Adobe, get rid of the stars when a file does not have a star rating!! Thanks in advance.
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You could not have said it better. I am completely tired of young designers trying to make their mark by changing things that are not able to be improved upon. At least we don't have light grey text on a white background with all menu items and buttons hidden from view. They have really taken a step back in this interface.
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FWIW, numerous complaints/bug reports have been filed with the Bridge team about the new UI, to no avail. There are a bunch of outstanding bugs and everyone agrees that it is a step backwards.
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Two things,
1) After the 2019 Upgrade I had to manually tell Bridge that a "psd" file belongs to Photoshop. Really ? No seriously, really ??
2) Favorites are links/shortcuts, we should be able to "rename" a link/shortcuts without having to rename a folder, even Windows let's us do that. It's a link. I have identical file structures on 2 different drives, the second is for archives (and for comment sake, the drive itself is labeled as an "archives"). I don't want to rename the folders in my archives.
Frustrated, I guess, from planet Mars ?
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Have same problem, just "updated" to new suite and yes despite "use your old settings" being asked now have interface that is totally different.
I'm guessing the stars thing is a "bug"
not gonna hold my breath
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More like a feature design that sucks.
I am sure its being addressed.
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Please Adobe will you revisit the labelling changes implemented in the latest update. I get it that many design changes are received
reluctantly at first but after frequent use are happily accepted. That is human nature. But these little dots, dear me .....
they may be an aesthetically pleasing design idea but not practical for a working photographer dealing with hundreds of images at speed. The colour bars are easily identifiable with periphery vision making editing a breeze. Also, as mentioned in a previous post
please remove the permanent stars. We only need to see stars when a file is given a star rating. Thanks.
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Thanks for your feedback.
We will review it for future releases of Bridge
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Please remove these huge fonts between the fonts, the extra space around the thumbnails, and generally everywhere in the interface. Due to the increased intervals in the interface, now less information is placed on the display than it was before. It was impossible to use the new bridge.
Please remove the permanent stars. We only need to see stars when a file is given a star rating.
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Without the stars, there is no visual way to set a star rating. Spacing is a huge problem but the stars can be left alone.
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Stars used to only show up IF you gave them a rating.
There is not need to Rate EVERY file. txt, pdf, psd, .ai. The only files I ever rate a from photoshoots. .jpg and Raw.
Otherwise this is a waste of space.
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You certainly don't need a visual way to set a star rating. You just tap the keyboard to assign a star rating! The permanent stars are a distraction, confusing to some, and clutter up the space.
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A lot of people don't use keyboard shortcuts. I prefer the ability to click, and an interface should be stable and not change. It would be worse to have some files with stars and some without.
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Lumi, the way it worked before is if you added a star to a file in a folder, the files in that folder then all showed the greyed out stars, so everything was balanced. so it wouldn't look cumbersome.
Is there a reason you want them to keep this on Always?
That's like me arguing to have image dimensions under the file name ALWAYS. Even if it's a word document. Wouldn't that frustrate you?
There is a time and a place for stars (or any meta data). Setting a folder to display them ON/OFF shouldn't be a problem, keyboard shortcut user or not. Wouldn't you agree?
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So I have fifty files, add a rating (which i can't just click with the mouse, I HAVE TO use a keyboard shortcut or the menu), and my every other file suddenly gets stars under it?
The interface shouldn't change based on metadata for one file. Same with collections and searches. Way too confusing.
The stars aren't a problem, but not having a "no star" button plus the new label dots are terrible design. Lightroom lets you customize both Loupe and Grid view and show what metadata you want. That's the best way, along with being able to customize the spacing and UI brightness, and having the old large labels back.