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I have an Apple Mac Mini M2 Pro with Sonoma 14.3.1 OS (but I think the OS is not important ...)
The Mac Mini M2 Pro is a strong machine, but the Adobe Bridge is slow ang laggy ...
The menu (main menu, or right click menu) is low FPS (I see the aminmation, need to wait to open, etc) ...
I checked the Activity Monitor and the Bridge use 230-300% CPU ALL THE TIME! and 2.5% GPU ...
Adobe Photoshop use 0.9% CPU and 0% GPU ...
So the Bridge application is slowly and not funny to use it ... I feel that the UI render is less then 10 FPS
Do you have any idea anybody how can fix this issue?
Thank you!
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Hi @TwILeK ,
Thanks for reporting the issue you are facing.
Please share the following details :
1. Bridge version.
2. Are you using any custom scripts?
3. Are performance issues you are observing are specific to any filetypes ?
If issues are in general, Please share the file type you normally work on.
Bridge Team
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Sorry for the long silence, I was sik 😞
Bridge Version: 14.0.2
I'm not useing any script
File types: ARW (Sony raw files, around 200 photos in the folder)
Now the app is updateing, I will check it again, with different file types
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Update to the new version: and this version not blinking. Use 300% CPU when idle (do nothing, preview images is already generated) ... and when I start to use the top menu it is a littlebit laggy ... and the scroll (with mouse scroll) is jumping ... but it works ... not too good ... but works 😞
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One important think:
I see images in THUMBNAIL view! When I switch to Detail view, everything is fine. No lagging, mouse scroll is good, UI is fast.... but I dont like this view 😄