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I can't tell from your screenshot, but do you have an image selected?
Also, when supplying screenshots, Please use the icon show below that is located above where you're typing.
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Label/Rating can only be applied to an asset. Labels & Ratings will be enabled when you click on any asset.
Bridge Team
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Not when Bridge isn't working as designed, which seems to be the bulk of the time. Where does one find instructions for moving back to the previous version? That one worked much better for me, this new one is back to all the old slow thumbnails generation and random unexpected quits. I'm nearly ready to find another line of work with all the headaches CC generates.
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Not sure how this post ties into the thread.
His issue is USER error.
As to your issue, you should be able to go to the ACC app and go to the three dots on the right and select a older version
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doesn't matter, I've given up on image work due to the lack of support from adobe.
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First off we are not from Adobe. We are users like you but we are trying to help other users.
I have asked the folks here questions to help and they have been left unanswered. Jim also has asked questions left unanswered.
If I called a store and said I wanted new shoes, and the salesman asked, "What kind and what size?" and I never answered, would it be correct for me to say that I refused to buy from this store because of their complete lack of support?
If you want help, you must provide information. As it is, I can't help you because of your complete lack of support.
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Well, after having spent countless hours answering questions and a dozen sessions having Adobe control my computer remotely to still have things not work reliably is like buying shoes that cannot be tied despite having laces and being told that the shoes are fine.
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Per Adobe website:
"Bridge is a creative asset manager that lets you preview, organize, edit, and publish multiple creative assets quickly and easily. Note the reference to “creative assets,” here, rather than “images;”
We understand what an asset is. We know what bridge is supposed to do with them. We're talking about Bridge NOT FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY - to allow some users to delete or rate their images/assets.. Read the problem before replying to make sure you sound like you understand.
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Did you figure it out? I'm having the same issue. I cant even right click and label them or use the dropdown menu. Basically Bridge is worthless to me at the moment. I dont know what happened. It started yesterday without an update or change in devices.
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Hello! Did you find the solution? I am having trouble with v 12.0.
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Hi KAnderson,
Can you please let us know which version Bridge you are using (and what release) and what OS are you on (and what release). Lastly, let us know where these images are located (desktop, external hard drive, etc.).
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Please provide the steps in detail so that we can reproduce on own end.
Please provide the OS version, Bridge version, any particular asset on which this issue is occuring.
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No. I am done being blamed as the problem. It is Adobe that is the problem.
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I'm also having the same issue with Bridge not allowing me to star or delete images. Bridge is updated to the latest version, and i'm on the latest Windows 11 as well. Here's a catch, only the images i just shot last night have this issue. Images previously on my PC before the Windows 11 update (and quite possibly the last 300+ Adobe updates), I can star and delete no problem within Bridge. But there is no difference in my camera or Adobe user preferences to explain the user (me) is to blame. I do not see any metadata differences and no preferences to enable / disable file protections or rights controls. Please help!
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ooh! lucky. I lost all my ratings and keywording entered over six or seven years with one update.
Now that's quality control.
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Update: I tried using the Export function, into a new folder created in the Export dialogue window. When the files finished transer, they are now able to be deleted or star rated. I don't know why Bridge doesn't like the files if transerred directly from SD to a Windows folder within Explorer. But like them if it's done within Bridge/Export. Thats seems glitchy to me since the files should be still exactly the same. This is a question for the techs to answer.
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I think what is happening is that users are just draging the star ratings to what ever they want them to be and ratings indicator is not working.
If I drag the mouse over the stars and click the last star in this case 4 stars, I click the fourth star after dragging the mouse the star ratings appear correctly. Or if I just select what star I want it to be it works on my windows 11 machine.
Labekls works correctly on my machine.
If that does not work on one's version of Bridge they may want to reset thier preferences.
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Whenever someone starts with "I think", that means they have no real idea what is the problem, much less offer a valid solution. Read my message again before replying. It's pretty clear what the problem is. The Adobe team directly needs to research this. Its seems to be a common issue circumvented by birthing the files into Adobe programs using export functionality. I don't think it was intended to work that way, as Bridge is fully capable of recognizing files already on any machine, and should assign full functionality to them, regardless how they got there.
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You are welcome to your comments.
Just keep them to your self. Don't insult people that are here to help others.
I have two machines that do not present that issue.
If it was a profound problem would be effecting thousands machines.
Respond in kind to others that post here.
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Hi Edward,
Your interpretation of "I think" is one valid interpretation but by all means, not the only possible one.
I, for one, do not doubt that you are having an issue with Bridge. You are not the only one having this issue. But please keep in mind that many others are not having this issue. I, like jbm007, am not having this issue and it's very hard for anyone to determine the cause and/or potential cure for a problem that they cannot test and verify for themselves.
Also, please keep in mind that the vast majority of the "helper" folks who are trying to help others in these forums do not work for Adobe. We receive no money and are only here because we get the satisfaction of helping folks through the nuances and issues that arise when working with software no matter how trivial or complex. I, for one, couldn't program a single sentence of code, that's not of interest to me. So if you were expecting an engineer to pop up and say "Eureka! I've got it!" You will be more disappointed and frustrated than you already are.
I do believe it's safe to say that Adobe knows of this issue and is working on a resolution. However, it's impossible for me, or anyone else to know when this might be released.
YES, IT'S FRUSTRATING but releasing your frustration on anyone here who is trying to help you is both a waste of your time and energy. In addition, it also spills ill will to those who might be able to help you.
But if you look through this thread, you'll see questions from me, from an Adobe employee, and others asking questions that are never answered. There have been a number of people trying to help and are not getting the information that might help resolve the issues.
I, for one, am not a mentalist.
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Gary, you are a fine gentleman, and much less incindiary than the jbm007. Beyond the niceties, we are spending more time not fixing an issue, but talking about my approach about not fixing an issue in a forum designed to help fix issues.
Please lets stop with "i think" and " I do believe" Adobe is aware, when we don't really know and there seems to be no conduit to find out.. While i agree we all want to help others here, as do I, keeping in mind this is Adobe's first protocol for fixing issues. Guessing and pontificating about issues without asking questions about the problems you're not experiencing wastes time, and to many on here time is money.
Lastly, there are people commenting here that represent themsleves as direct emplyees of Adobe. When i say (as i did) "this is for the Adobe techs to figure out" - thats for the Adobe techs, not for indirect, non-software engineers to comment unhelpful things.
I come from a technical support backround, and can honestly say much of the commenting within this forum serves no one and in fact, wastes time and dissuades people from wanting to return to more of what i'm now dealing with. No one wants to read through 30 posts in a thread to find nothing beneficial helping their problem. Very simple - Add value to fixing the original problem, or stay out of it.
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Also, this is an Adobe site based forum, a monitoring Adobe staff expert should want to step in and comment if this is an already known issue, or if it will be, and there will be a future software update announced resolving this conflict. That would help. Until then i figured out my workaround.
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I have had this problem for years on numerous versions of Windows and Bridge. Right now I'm on Windows 11 and all of my Adobe apps just updated to the latest versions. I am unable to rate assets either from my local desktop or a remote locaion.
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This may be simplifying it or perhaps I don't understand. I ran into a similar problem when my labels weren't showing up in Bridge. Somehow I had inadvertantly chose "show thumbnail only" under the "View" toolbar. Once I deselected "show thumbnail only" my labels returned. Hope this helps.