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BUG ridden Photoshop CC is acceptable?

Engaged ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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 I add location data, keywords and descriptions among other things to my files in Bridge CC.  Often the movie files (.mov) don't accept the data for unknown reasons.  Opened in CC and now 52 movies of hundreds in a folder show no metadata and. I go to CS6 Bridge and am able to add all those things, so they are like the rest.  Back in CC now 3 have no keywords. 28 no description. Purge cache and all but 3 Hermit Thrushes lack keywords. Add descriptions to all but Hermit Thrushes which wouldn't show any data before. Added location metadata. Add keywords and that disappears and no metadata again. Oh and now I see that the data under the thumbs is gone (number, date, size.)  I go back to CS6 and now those 3 Hermit Thrushes lack the data, but I'm able to put back.  All have the data under the thumbs.  Going back to CC, finally all movies have the data.  But not the 3 things under the thumbs that are set in preferences.  Am I the only one that this happens to on a regular basis, or others just to not care forever paying more while getting less?  I can't even figure the amount of time my workload has increased, far more than doubled, tripled, quadrupled, quintupled, all because I bought a camera that CS6 doesn't recognize. The policy is, if it works, break it, 

Batch , Bug , Keywords , Metadata , Performance , Problem or error




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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

You can covert your new camera files to .dng to work with CS 6


Community Expert , Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

As far as the missing data underneath the thumbnails, here's the setting for that (bottom right corner of Bridge's window):

2020-11-15_10-30-38.pngexpand image

I have to add that this is about the dumbest place to put this option I can think of but here it is. IF this is checked, all you see are the thumbnails, if you want to see the name, etc., uncheck this. You'll note that mine is unchecked.


Let me add that as one who's used DNG format ever since it was introduced, I have to say that if there was any deterioration of the ima



Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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You can covert your new camera files to .dng to work with CS 6




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Engaged ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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I had tried that years ago and compared 2 blown up images and it seemed the DNC wasn't quite as sharp as the RAW.

I was going to give it a try again and just downloaded the converter. I have about 23,000 files already processed with CC that CS6 won't read.  I just tried a few to test and I don't see any difference blown up . Maybe that is the way to go.  I'll reconsider.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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As far as the missing data underneath the thumbnails, here's the setting for that (bottom right corner of Bridge's window):

2020-11-15_10-30-38.pngexpand image

I have to add that this is about the dumbest place to put this option I can think of but here it is. IF this is checked, all you see are the thumbnails, if you want to see the name, etc., uncheck this. You'll note that mine is unchecked.


Let me add that as one who's used DNG format ever since it was introduced, I have to say that if there was any deterioration of the image in DNG images I never would have used that format.


I am aware that sometimes some camera manufacturers have some part of the image's code that has other dynamics other than the image (sorry I cannot remember what camera or what these dynamics are at this moment) that some people find very important and because of that will not convert their images to DNG. However, since this extra information has nothing to do with the image, I've not found it something that I need to worry about. 




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Engaged ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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Amazing insight, simple solution.  On a previous time adobe tech went all over into win locations, changing things, to get to appear.  Thanks!


Regarding DNC, do you then delete the NEFs?




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Engaged ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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If you do a folder with DNC where there are also jpgs and tiffs are they unaffected?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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Sure, file types can live in the same folder, there are NO issues there. 


BTW, the one thing that you may notice with DNGs is that there are no sidecar files hanging around. The DNG format is a container format so the sidecar files are contained within the DNG file. This is just like the JPG format where there are no sidecar files. In either one, if you want to dump the sidecar, in Bridge, right-click on the file, go to Develop Settings and use the option "Clear Settings" and all corrections will be removed as if you had tossed the sidecar file (which you have).


BTW #2: if you do make corrections on a JPG file, be sure to resave it before sending off to anyone else (unless they have Adobe image products) becuase unless they have ACR, the image will appear just like it did prior to your making any alterations on the file.




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Engaged ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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I mean will the procedure of processing a folder for the RAW change them, if already present?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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Oh, I understand now.


No. The conversion will only change raw image into DNG images. There are two possible scenarios. If you have any tif or jpg images, after the conversion process you will see a comment at the end saying that X images could not be converted because they were the wrong kind.


1) An untouched raw image will be turned into a DNG image.

2) A raw image that already has a sidecar file will take that sidecar data and transfer it into the DNG container file. This is important for you to realize so that you do not expect to lose the changes you've made (you will not) and/or expect to see all of the sidecar files still sitting around after the conversion. Change that, you will but you can then toss them and the converted files out.


I suggest you take a folder of (say) a dozen images of unchanged raw files, changed raw files, and JPG and TIF image and observer yourself what happens. BTW. DNG converter will NOT automatically remove/trash any images, YOU have to do this. What I do is to sort the images in that folder by file type and then select and trash the original raw images (and any adjacent sidecar files).


Good luck!




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