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Camera Raw preferences - Camera settings does not work for Nikon Z8

Explorer ,
Apr 08, 2024 Apr 08, 2024

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I have just started shooting RAW files with the mode set to monochrome


I have checked the camera settings option in Bridge/Camera Raw preferences.


This works fione for my D500 but for the Z8 it starts off in mono as on the back of the camera, but then sets to colour (ie applies Adobe Defauilt. I have checked and ensured the switch is set and when I purge the cache it temporarily reverts to mono before reverting to adobe default.


Having done some more tests, it works for the Z8 on Monochrome (MC) and Dramatic (06) modes but not FM (Flat Monochrome), DM (Deep Monochrome) or my customs one C01 which is MC with 2 stops extra contrast).


I am now stuck.


If I set it to another preset it works well so I think it is what is being writton to the Z8 metadata. Is there a way of checking that the metadata created by Z8 is correct?


Thank you in advance.


It also works for my Z6 and my sony rx100.


So I think it must be something with the Z8 and Adobe.


My z8 firmware is up to date as is my ACR/Photoshop/Bridge


Camera RAW , Metadata , Problem or error






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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2024 Apr 08, 2024

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Hi, @Fred Barrington, the quick answer is probably not, AND, I do not know any specifics about your camera. 


Here's the deal: There is no way to permanently make your raw images grayscale. It cannot be done. There is one big reason for this: You cannot do anything to a raw image and save it as a raw image. You "may" be able to save it as a different raw image, but the actual dynamics of that raw image are no different: it's the same raw image. 


Let me give you an example of this: if you set your camera to use a tungsten lightbulb for white balance and take some photos outside, any jpg photos you shoot are permanently screwed with their color balance. You can make it better, but it will never be good. However, a raw image considers all of the data as a starting point, and all of those starting points are permanently available in the raw image. 


If you take a jpg, and save it as a B&W in the camera, that's it. There are no more options available to you to fine-tune the differences in the transition between B&W and color available to you. But with a raw image, you can go back and forth between the two and use the inherent color of the image to fine-tune the B&W image.


Now, consider this: in Adobe Camera RAW, toward the top right side, there are two options I should point out:


 If you click the "Auto" button, it will guess at a good set of adjustments. From there you can fine-tune them to your specific desires. Alternatively, you can click on the B&W button, and suddenly, you're in Grayscale, where you can make any adjustments to find YOUR image. If you want a more broad range to select from, not the green circle with a grid inside. Click on this, and you will see a bunch of presets, but notice the one just for B&W. There are 17 presets here and you can create your own. 


 I strongly suggest you take one of your color images and run it through these to see the various options of B&W you can work with. I also suggest you look at this video to see the range of things you can do with a color image when converting it to B&W.


Please let me know if this helps or not. Thanks





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Explorer ,
Apr 08, 2024 Apr 08, 2024

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Thanks for this but it does not remotely answer my question.

It should basically show the images in the settings in the camera in the
overall view and when I go into acr default to the same I can then change
to my hearts content. Including back to colour.

This is what it does for ALL apart from the z8.

Lightroom has the same functionality but as i do not use it I cannot say
whether it works with the z8.






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Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2024 Apr 08, 2024

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OK, sorry. When you said you were 'just starting to shoot raw with the mode set to monotone,' I took that as you were just starting with raw in general and was under the assumption that you were expecting the raw image to only be in monotone.


Well, as I also stated, I have no experience with that camera model, I am unable to help. As you've written, I cannot think of anything else you should have done.





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