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Can someone help me restore a lost tiff file?

New Here ,
Sep 26, 2023 Sep 26, 2023

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I used camera raw through adobe bridge to edit one of my images. Once I was finished with my edits, I saved it as a Tiff file. Then, I went back to edit it some more and save a second version of the image– also as a Tiff file. What I didn't realize was that when I saved this second version, it also changed the first version Tiff I exported. I thought once I saved a particular version as a Tiff it was untouchable and finshed the same way a png or jpeg would be, but I seem to have been wrong about that. Can anyone explain why this happened? Also, is there a way to get the first version with the initial edits back while still keeping the second version in tact?

Camera RAW , How to , Import and export






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