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Hi, maybe I am missing something...
Suppose I am sorting hundreds of images into dozens of folders. Starting from the top, I pick one subject and add matching images to the selection. They also show up in the preview area.
Eventually I reach the end of the content area. Now I have to scroll back to the last image selected. in order to drag it (or right click and choose move)
It would be really great to get help from the preview area here...
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I'm not fully sure what you're using the Preview Panel for, but you do have several options here. Starting with, you can have a Content Tab for each receving folder. That way, you can have one Content tab for the original folder, then extra Content Tabs for each of the receving folder. As a new image shows up on top of the list, you can drag it to a different Content Tab (folder).
Do you need me to make a Workspace that will show you how to set this up or do you think you can figure it out yourself?
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Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I have more folders and subfolders than I would want to set up content tabs for (in reality the fully expanded folder pane is twice the screen height; I try to keep it partly collapsed)
So in practice I pick an image that fits into an open subfolder, or expand one of the top folders, and then keep adding similar nearby images.
Maybe I should check the scripting capabilities - a button to scroll the content area to one of the selected images could be helpful
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I think the thing that threw me off was your comment about "… they also show up in the Preview area." Just to make sure I'm following you, are you calling the Panel with all the thumbnails the Preview area or are you calling the Panel with the larger view of the thumbnail the Preview Panel (which is the proper name for that Panel)?
As far as organizing things, I tend to work better in smaller groups than large groups. So, one thought would be to take your "hundreds" of photos, and lop off about 20-30 into a separate folder and sort them. Then another group, etc. Occasionally my Downloads folder and/or my Desktop get like that and this is one of my "tricks" to deal with the quantity.
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I was calling the narrow area to the right of the main area "preview" and the main area "content". (in german they are labelled "Inhalt" and "Vorschau")
In the meantime I have actually done the script thing: the "view" menu has a new entry "scroll to selection"
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Hi @birnerseff, Excellent!
The thing that I needed to verify is that since all of the Panels can be moved around and placed in almost any location in the Bridge window, I needed to make sure we were talking about the same thing.
For example, I have the Preview Panel as the only Panel in the center section and the Content Panel(s) on the right side. All other Panels are placed on the left side.
I admire your scripting abilities; I cannot script a thing.