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Exporting a specific file using the Bridge Custom Export results in incorrect dimensions

Explorer ,
Nov 12, 2023 Nov 12, 2023

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Using Bridge I am using the built in export tab to export a PSD as a PNG.


The exact settings are as follows:


Specific Folder

Create Unique File Name

PNG, 16-bit, sRGB IEC61966-2.1

Save Transparency Checked

Scale Image: 100%

Include Original Metadata is checked, All is selected in the ropdown box

No other options checked


I drag the attached PSD onto the export option, I click start export. The result is a file that is 46x32 pixels instead of the expected 68x47.


I have no idea why this happens, exporting manually as a quick export within photoshop does not have this issue, it exports correctly as the expected size.


I've tried playing with a few options in the exporter but was not able to get the image to export correctly as a PNG. The PNG was created perfectly in Photoshop though.


I exported 40+ other images using this exact custom export and none of the other images were the wrong dimensions. It's not a major issue but it appeared to be such an odd one that I felt I should report it.


I've attached the PSD I was having issues with. I've also attached the incorrect export as well as the correct export that I did in photoshop.


Let me know if you're unable to reproduce, I can record the issue if needed.

Bug , Image processor , Import and export , Problem or error






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