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After recent updates Tools / Photoshop is missing in Bridge
Photoshop version is 23.5.1
I've checked the start up scripts in Preferences and they are set.
Is this a bug, or how can I get it back - I really don't want to start reinstalling - that would be ridiculous.
For question #1: There will very probably not be a new release prior to the final release as we are now scratching at the door of Adobe MAX; that's when Adobe does their formal releases. So, in the next day or two, keep your eye out for updates; those should be good.
#2: When these new releases arrive, please do the Bridge update THAN the PS update. Hopefully, you should not need to uninstall and reinstall. IF YOU DO need to do a reinstall, I'd just carry along any prefs as they are the issue:
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When you update Bridge, the PS scripts are placed there by PS, not by Bridge. That is, PS looks to verify that Bridge is there and if the correct version of Bridge is there, then PS will install the scripts. Assuming you have matching updates (e.g., you cannot expect PS scripts if you're using the latest PS and CS6 Bridge), you need to uninstall both Bridge and PS, then reinstall Bridge, then PS.
That should work, let us know.
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Thanks for getting back to me - yes they're matching updates - updated recently I think.
However, if reinstalling is the only way to correct an Adobe bug then I'm afraid I take a very dim view of that!!
So, I have 3 questions:
1. When the next updates arrive if I update Bridge before PS will that solve the problem.
2. Should I be desperate enough to uninstall and reinstall, will I have lost all my settings, plugins etc?? Presumably so?
3. Could it be anything to do with having downloaded the Beta version of PS??
Something odd is going on with the Beta version as well - after the last update I had the Photo Restoration Neural Filter Beta - but now it's gone again - any idea why?
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Hi Torbenc,
Let me try and explain this again: the scripts are installed during the installation of PS. If PS sees a compatible version of Bridge, it will install the scripts. Bridge installs no scripts for PS (or any other application).
That's why the order is important. Is this sufficiently well documented? Probably not, but those of us here try and do the best we can.
As far as any beta version, this is what beta software is. If something has been pulled, it's because something was tried by the engineers, a flaw was discovered, and that section was removed before being released to the public. I've been doing beta and pre-release testing for over 30 years, and this is very common. However, even with released software, we are again beta testers as things are not always caught before release, OR they are shipped anyway as they are not show-stoppers and are fixed in subsequent releases (one hopes).
Good luck!
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OK thanks, but I'd be grateful for answers to my questions 1 & 2 if you could please.
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For question #1: There will very probably not be a new release prior to the final release as we are now scratching at the door of Adobe MAX; that's when Adobe does their formal releases. So, in the next day or two, keep your eye out for updates; those should be good.
#2: When these new releases arrive, please do the Bridge update THAN the PS update. Hopefully, you should not need to uninstall and reinstall. IF YOU DO need to do a reinstall, I'd just carry along any prefs as they are the issue: instillation order is the issue. There should not be a need to start with fresh prefs.
Please let us know what happens.
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Hi Gary
I just update to Bridge v13.0 and then PS v24.0 and I have the Image Processor available again in Bridge thank goodness! + The Photo restoration Neural Beta Filter is back.
I look forward to exploring the new features.
- Thanks for your comments, but yes I agree that more could be done to explain what order updates need to be done in - Or better still make it either so it doesn't matter, or that one MUST be done before the other.
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As Gary mentioned, this often happens with the beta version of PS and Bridge. I can't remember how many times this has happened to me. Eventually the versions get synced up correctly, but it's as Gary stated an issue with PS installing the scripts.