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Image thumbnail turns to white after update rating, pasting image files from one folder puts them on

New Here ,
Jan 07, 2024 Jan 07, 2024

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Everything on my computer is on manual update. Bridge, Adobe Updated, my system OS. I've been running Bridge fine for YEARS with no problems. I started editing a few shoots yesterday and have come across 2 errors that I can't resolve:


#1: When I rate a file, the thumbnail changes from the image to the white paper. And I can't preview the file anymore. The rate updates (exaomple: changing it from a 1-star to 5-star) and the filename stays the same, but I can no longer see the image.


#2: If I select a few files to copy + paste them into a new folder (example: copying them from a "first selects" foler to a "final selects" folder) Bridge pastes them to my desktop. When I try to drag the files from the desktop to the new "final selects" folder it tells me that the file are already there, but I do not see them in bridge or when I view the folder in Finder.


I have since updated my entire OS (to Sonoma), I was using Bridge 2022 but have now updated to Bridge 2024, and I have emptied the Cache. I have no idea how else to fix this. Clearly a system/perissions issue.

Bug , Problem or error






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