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keyword problem

Engaged ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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I spent about an hour creating keywords for Illinois.  I made a parent folder, USA, and then sublocations, such as Chicago, and then sublocations in it.  The Master Folder was Locations.  Then I noticed there was already a default Places folder.  I decided to move the USA, with all its subfolders to it.  I knew it would cause some problems and I'd have to do some re-checking in the new location and deleting in the old location, but now it has become an impossible situation.  If I check off one in under places and uncheck in Locations and delete that subplace, it also unchecks under USA, and if I check again, the sublocation comes back, and with all the parent folders.  Its like something that won't die.  They are like Elementary Particles, where affecting one affects the other. I changed an abbreviation in the subfolder to rename spelling it out and then I could delete the old one.  I thought I would do the same with IL, replacing with Illinois, but then I saw a sublocation appear under it, and I realized now I would have 2 ghosts, and quickly deleted that before doing anything more. I'd moved keywords before but never had a problem this extreme, but it seems one more bug in the update.

Keywords , Problem or error




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Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Post a screenshot showing your Keywords panel. Also make sure you have Hierarchical Keywords turned on in Preferences.







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Engaged ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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I do have heriarchal on, which makes it worse, as they all come back, and one has to keep clicking all the different levels IL Keywords problem.JPGexpand image In the picture, those under places, are where I renamed to, ghosts are under locations.  If I unclick Montrose Point in the upper, it unclicks in the lower, and all the pictures disappear.  It would be more of a problem if they weren't already in a folder instead of scattered around, otherwise, in the case of others, without their own folder, that would be major.




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Engaged ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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I was reading the first link and I thought that was pretty cool about batch keywords and I would add more states under USA.  But it didn't work out as directed.  When I typed AK, AR, FL in the lower search window as a test, and clicked the subkeyword, it put them in a subfolder on Naked Barnacles in Arthropods.  I went back and highlighted USA keyword, and tried again, same thing.  If I try FL first, then it goes to some Arthropod starting with FLAT. 

Good for finding but I don't see how to create a batch in the right place this way, from the directions.


Then I tried that search function.  I had Starved Rock as a keyword location made yesterday. In the search box, nothing came up.  I could see it as a keyword in the left panel, and that had a folder, so I opened that and click and saw that the keyword had become a ghost, probably when I had tried to rid the IL from the Locations, and it disappeared, as well as all the IL subkeywords from the one under Places, also.  So I made it persistent. and then the search would find it. It did not come up in the ghost though.  I assume that all the other subkeywords under IL may behave similarly.  However if I delete the ghost(s) IL, USA, Location,  all the real will lose their keywords again.


I read both articles. Learned some useful things, but not solving this problem, which is How to remove used ghosts, without removing the living one, and why bringing back the living recreates the zombie.




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Engaged ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Tried another approach, undoing the automatic heirarchical parenting  I then deleted IL and USA as well as Montrose Point, and I didn't lost the parent categories.  But all in the Montrose folder were unchecked.  I checked the only Montrose in the lower.  All theee came back in the upper as ghosts. Unfortunated that I took my home state, with the most files and sub-locations to start these new keywords.  It seems I will have to search for all files with keyword locations so I can delete all location and place keywords and start over.  I've spent so many hours getting nowhere.





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