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Loupe keeps disappearing after high preview loads

New Here ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I'm not sure what changed, but the Loupe keeps disappearing when the pic finishes loading. It just started one day and I can't fix it.


What happens: I will click on a pic in the left column, then click on the pic in the Preview pan. The loupe shows up and magnifies properly. It then disappears after the pic finishes loading. (After "(Loading 100%)" message disappears). I click on the pic again and it will then stay just fine.

But then when I choose a different pic in the list, either by clicking on it or press the Down Arrow key, the loupe will disappear again. It used to always stay.



-Reset Bridge preferences (Ctrl-Alt-Shift during startup)

-Updated to the latest (v13.0.4.755)

-Installed v14.0.0.102

-Updated latest Nvidia drivers

-Rebooted multiple times.


I can't find any settings that would affect it within Bridge. Is this configured elsewhere or is there some sort of Performance or Cache preference that will help with this?

Bug , Performance , Problem or error






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