New Bridge finds more ways to increase workflow time
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So besides the fact that I can no longer use Control N to open a 2nd or 3rd Window of Bridge and compare directory contents, here is another setback.
I go through all my day folders and add descriptions, which are mainly species names. I also add keywords and other data. When I have updated many folders with such information and weeded sufficiently, I renumber the files according to my system and then add the description to the file name. So this new Bridge has the feature that if I Bridge search, for example, all the files, that have 'bald', it will find all the Bald Eagles and I apply the name to the batch. However, unlike before, on the next search, if I go to find all the ones that have 'Kestrel' amd then highlight the result to rename, they all show they have Bald Eagle in the description. The correct name won't appear, unless I go to an individual file and click in the description name, then it goes away and can be replaced. Then I must verify, in this instance that 243 found files have the correct description before batch renaming. Each time I do a new search, the selected files show the description of the previous, and sometimes doesn't change to the correct one immediately when I click the description. Since Bridge no longer shows thumbs of videos, I had to use 2 or 3 other programs just to verify the subject matter in the first place. These techs just keep ways of finding additional hours of time to what was once a smooth operation back with CS6. Example, Geese, not Hawks in picture.
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Also, clicking tab or trying to move the dividers to show only files instead of data panels no longer works.
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Weeks have passed and they still haven't fixed this. Gone from having videos where I would have to go to other programs to see what's on them, and adding the descriptions, to where descriptions won't tell me, only showing the name of the previous selected item, unless I reclick the new item. Maybe I just need to call Adobe to rollback to an earlier less worse version.
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Hi @robirdman1 You can use the `(tilde) key to collapse all the panels and maximize the content panel. Also, you can go to the Window menu -> Click on Maximize Frame.
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Hi, there is a latest patch release # Please install and check if that fixes some of the issues .(not the multiple windows)
You can refer to the issues fixed in the patch at the following link
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I just updated and now it's showing the correct description when a thumbnail is clicked, so that is an improvement.
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Maybe open a new thread for the video thumbnails, did you check the "do not process files bigger than..."
There is a thread for multiple windows, but I can't find it for the moment.
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That didn't last long. Files are back to having wrong description until description is clicked. Especially wasteful when files haven't had the subject added to the file name. Don't know what the videos are with no thumbnail and now still can't tell by just clicking the thumb, or moving through with the arrow.
I currently have at not bigger that 1000meg. Very few are bigger.