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I am just wondering.
So you open a folder in which there are several folder with images on you computer.
Then you need what?
"show items from subfolders"
One of the moderator can explain me pls: why there is no short cut for this menu (very important) ?
And why can´t we gernerate new one that we like?
Did the Bridge Programming Team stay in another building while the rest of the stuff is having fun at the beach?
Or is the Bridge Team in reallity only one person that has a special contract that dates back to 1980?
To make a long question short:
Who in this forum need shortcuts? They are so overrated.
A keyboardlayout, what for? I know my shortucts. I learn them by memory.
It would be greate if more user request this feature.
Or maybe I am getting just old.
cheers Peter
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Well your snideness is certainly likely to make the engineers slap their foreheads, say, "Wow, we didn't think of that!" and grant all your wishes.
But back to current situations, keywording capabilities have been requested from Bridge (with a long host of other features and capabilities) since Bridge v. 1). But this forum is for people having confusion and problems with Bridge that can possibly get help from other users, not those from Adobe and as such, you are speaking to fellow users, not the engineers.
If you want to actually reach the engineers, please go to to place your request in the best location.
Good luck (no serioulsy, I and many others have been wanting this for a long time)
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Thanxs Gary,
maybe you are right!
But if you don´t ask others for their opinion, and this is the place to ask for, or not, then you won´t get an answer.
Maybe I have to go back to analog so I can blame myself.
I am activ in the uservoice forum!
But this was ment to see if others struggle with the same issues.
And engeneers are also only dealing with request.
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Please Peter, I completey agree with you. If you do not ask the answer is automatically "NO!"
But is it necessary to demean as you ask?
I mean, you were in the building when politeness was handed out, were you not?
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I rarely use keyboard shortcuts in most programs. So for me its way down on the priority list, after a bunch of bugs and actual missing features.
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Me to because it is so cumbersome to use them in adobe.
I have the impression they don´t whant us to use them instead
lets find a workaround.
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On a mac you can add keyboard shortcuts to Adobe Bridge by going to Apple>System Preferences>Keyboard>Shortcuts>App Shortcuts, click the + icon, navigate to the Adobe Bridge
in Applications>Adobe Bridge 2021, insert the menu item exactly as it is in Bridge and then assign your keyboard shortcut.
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this was a crazy one!
I am using the german version of Bridge.
And I put in the Text and the short cut.
Nothing happens I get a sound as error.
Then I put in "show hidden files" in german and the short cut.
After I put this short cut, the other short cut also is revealed.
So I gues that this is a bug?
Can somebody that uses the german version of the app test this?
So thank you for beeing so kind to show this.
have a nice day