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No text in Bridge CameraRaw

Explorer ,
Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 9.20.59 AM.pngScreenshot 2023-08-21 at 9.20.44 AM.png

Since updating to the latest bridge beta, Ive lost the text and icons in CameraRaw adjustment menu. Its also gone in the CameraRaw setting menu. I tried Light mode too, but no change. I turned off GPU as well, but again, no change. 

This does not happen to Photoshop for some reason. 

I tried reinstalling and disabling all start up scripts but no dice. 

Apple M1 Pro. 

Beta , Problem or error






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Community Expert ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Hi, @Slvrscoobie02 OK, that is a strange one. It's not as if you do not have text, it's that ACR is not properly adjusting the contrast of its text to the background.


Please try and reset the Preferences for ACR; here's how:


Open Photoshop (if not already open), and hold down the Command key and select Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw (macOS*) or hold down the Ctrl key and select Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw (Windows).
Click Yes in the dialog that asks, "Delete the Camera Raw Preferences?"

*On Ventura, it is now called "Settings.”



Let us know if that works, Good luck!





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Explorer ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Hi thanks. 

well and its doubly weird because its FINE in Photoshop. but if ACR is opened from bridge, i get the above. 

I tried your delete prefrences from both photoshop and bridge, but the Bridge ACR still opens without proper text display. Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 11.49.54 AM.png





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Community Expert ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Hi, @Slvrscoobie02  can you please take a screenshot (Command-Option-4) of the Interface settings of Bridge, Photoshop, AND ACR?


Thank you





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Explorer ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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but of course! I have changed Bridge and ACR to "Light" setting too to see if it would fix it, but it doesnt seem to change the ACR settings. 

this does change the ACR color, but the text is still invisible. 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Hi, @Slvrscoobie02 Becuase of the number of potential variations, I needed to see what you had your applications set to.


When I have my PS & Bridge set to "Dark," and my ACR set to "Default," it shows up as "Lightest." [For the record, I have my PS set to the 2nd lightest setting and Bridge set to "Lightest." 


What happens if you set your ACR to "Dark?"




And, if nothing changes, please do a reset of Bridge's Preferences:


Quit Bridge (if running). Just before clicking on Bridge in the Dock or double-clicking the application for the Mac, press Command-Option-Shift. For PCs, press Control-Alt-Shift. Then open Bridge BUT KEEP your fingers on those keys until you see a window pop up. From the window, choose “Reset Preferences," "Entire Thumbnail Cache,” and/or "Reset Standard Workspaces.” In your case, choose "Reset Preferences."





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Explorer ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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thanks, setting ACR to Dark did not resolve it, nor did resetting preferences in Bridge. 






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Community Expert ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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OK, I've got one more thing to try. 


I'd like to consider trying Ventura Cache Cleaner*. I've been using this for maybe 17-18 years (?) I was having a really bad issue with Acrobat. I tried this, and the problem went away. Recently, I was unable to type an "n" dash (used to place a slightly longer hyphen in between a range, such as I take "110 – 15 steps each hour.") I could type hyphens and "m" dashes (—), just not "n" dashes. Apple wanted me to do a whole reinstall of Ventura, something that I really didn't want to do.


So, I stared up VCC, ran it, and my "n" dashes came back. The good news is that VCC can be used for ten days before you have to pay for it, so if it doesn't work or you just do not want it. Nothing harmed but a tad of time. Personally, I do not run it all that often, maybe 2–3 times per year. I tend to run it when my computer is acting dumb and needs a dope slap.


(However, there was someone else in these forums who had a problem that could not be solved by basic means, and I suggested this to them, and it didn't work. But it costs you nothing but a bit of time.)


*The name changes as the system changes, so, for example, it was once Big Sur Cache Cleaner, etc. 


Here's where to download it: (https://www.northernsoftworks.com/venturacachecleaner.html). It is free to use for ten days, so if it doesn't work you've spent nothing.


There are two, maybe two, tabs I typically use: Maintenance, Cache Cleaning, and sometimes I also do the Optimize option.


Click on the Maintenance tab:




I check everything there is (clicking on “All” in the upper right corner does the same thing) and click Run. You may or may not have to restart depending on what it finds and what it does.


Then, if things are acting a bit “off” I might do the Cache Cleaning thing. This is what sold it for me.





I’ve done a Medium Cleaning and clicked all three options. There have been times I did a deep cleaning. I'd do the Medium before the Deep and see if that solves the problem. Depending on what it finds, it may or may not require a restart of the computer. 


Lastly is the Optimize. I can’t say I’ve seen that much difference with this, but it doesn’t seem to hurt. Your mileage, as they say, may vary.



There is a manual if you want to get a more knowledgeable background on what to click on.


If this helps, please let me know. 


I neither work for Adobe nor Northern Software. I do support both because they help me get my work done. 





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Explorer ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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i ended up just installing an older version which fixed the issue. I did have a lot of older version preferences saved, so i did delete all those as well. 






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