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My Gopro Hero 7 MP4 files do not generate thumbnails in Bridge x64. Windows 10 File manager generates the thumbnails just fine. All I get in Bridge are the little video icon.
Now, these are H265 videos. Bridge works fine generating thumbnails for all other MP4 files, just not the H265 MP4 videos.
I've done the cache purging etc. but no luck. Any ideas?
1 Correct answer
Try this...
1. Launch Bridge
2. Open Preferences
3. Click on Advanced
4. Turn on "Use Software Rendering"
5. Purge the Cache files from the folder you are working with.
6. Close and Relaunch Bridge
See if it generates the thumbnails.
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Try this...
1. Launch Bridge
2. Open Preferences
3. Click on Advanced
4. Turn on "Use Software Rendering"
5. Purge the Cache files from the folder you are working with.
6. Close and Relaunch Bridge
See if it generates the thumbnails.
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I had doubts about the "software rendering" since I have an i7 CPU, 32 GB RAM, and GTX 1070 GPU with 8GB RAM BUT...... it worked! Thank you my knowledgeable friend.
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Glad I could help.
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It's baaaackkk......
Solution had been working but now it isn't Seems once I have the GoPro H265 thumbnails and then do something like apply a color label to a few of the files in the folder then all the thumbs for all the files in the folder disappear. I reapply the "fix" but still the thumbnails are gone. Hmmmm....
The H265 thumbs are still there in Windows 10 file explorer though.
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I can confirm same issue with no thumbnails and no video playback. Fix does not work. No way to organize clips in Bridge. I think it's time to switch away from GoPro.
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I also have problems with my Mavic 2 Pro H265 files. Tried the software rendering and purge cache but does not work neither. I am also using another software solution (Kyno) to input my metadata in video as Bridge is so unreliable with video files management. Hope they can fix it.
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Same issue with Mavic Air thumbnails for my h.265 MP4 files.
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Osmo pocket and Mavic Mini are good, but Mavic Air 2 no good...
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Likewise. I was thrilled to see all these later Nikon video thumbs appear and did several folders and was going to save so many hours of having to use NX Studio, LR or WinMedia to go back and forth on the files. then I went to the store and came back and thought, what happened to all those thumbnails. I think we need to clamour for Bridge to fix this. All those other programs can do it, why not Bridge?
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Hello there. I am having this exact problem with my Go Pro files. I have tried this fix, in addition to uninstalling and reinstalling bridge to resent preferences with no luck.
I've used bridge for over a year to successfully sort and manage go pro videos and all of a sudden it's now useless to me. I've changed is the use of a different wifi network which has never caused a problem in the past - although this time it's in a foreign country.
Can anyone help?