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Open stacks as separate Photoshop documents to then run a Photoshop script

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Jun 15, 2021 Jun 15, 2021

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Hey all,


I please need some help understanding how I can automate part of my workflow. 


I photograph real estate. Each final photo is made of three images merged together. Similar to HDR. Some images are just a single image and need no further editing. Once the initial edit in Lightroom is done, I export and they open in Bridge. I use Bridge to automatically stack them using the capture time. Now I select the stack and have a macro setup with my mouse to perform the task of opening the 'Tools' menu and opening the selected layers in Photoshop as a file. The a certain action runs on the stack that is opened in Photoshop. I may have 40 stacks to do this on.


How can get Bridge to automatically stack the files after Lightroom finishes the export. Then open every separate stack as layers in Photoshop. Then Photoshop to run my specified action to align images and set several other layer properties.


Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on is query.

Batch , Image processor , Scripting






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Jun 16, 2021 Jun 16, 2021

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Bridge doesn't "open" files, it is a file browser. Lightroom (Classic or CC) doesn't support scripting to pass messages to Bridge nor does it have Watched Folder features. You'll have either use your platform's automation (are you on Mac or Windows?) to setup a watched folder and run code from there to do the stacking.


I'm gonna say you are better off just doing the stacking manually. There are built-in links from Bridge to Photoshop, either Batch or some of the pre-written tools.





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