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Questions related to Creative Cloud - Permanently Turn Off Connectivity

New Here ,
Mar 31, 2023 Mar 31, 2023

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To give some context about the following questions - I’m working with government IT to request Bridge and Audition so they can go through a security review process. In the government it appears that it is very difficult to get new software especially if they include always connected cloud features. Unfortunately older versions of Adobe apps like CS6 are discontinued and Adobe will not supply those versions even in a use case like this. Any information on this topic would be helpful.


  1. Does the Creative Cloud desktop app need to be installed to download Adobe apps? Are there any workarounds?
  2. If needed can the Creative Cloud desktop app be uninstalled after Bridge or Audition is installed? Will the apps still run without the manager app?
  3. Is there a way to turn off the cloud connectivity feature in Bridge and Audition permanently so a user doesn’t have access to turn it back on?
Download and install , Feature request , How to






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