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What´s the difference between creation date and date and time?

Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2024 Jun 28, 2024

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When using filters with photos in Adobe Bridge, you have to options filtering by date. You have "creation date" and "date and time, original" ( I am not sure if those are what they are called in English, I am using Bridge in my native language.)


Am I right to guess that the first one is when the file is created, the second one is when the photo was taken? 


I am curious to know why, when I am filtering photos on my memory card, those two filtering options sho completely different amount of photos? As I said, I am filtering the photos on my memory card before importing them anywhere, so I haven´t created any new files yet. If for example I choose to filter only RAW-photos on the card and then have a look at the creation date (Jun 24 for example), it might show 190 photos. Then, when I look at the original date and time, it might show something like 220 photos, with the same exact filters. Why is that?

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