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Why is Bridge saying "100 %" when it shows the maximum image (for the screen) beyond 1:1?

Explorer ,
Nov 13, 2022 Nov 13, 2022

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The procedure in Bridge:
Point at one image thumbnail in the Content section and press the space bar. The image is shown in the Preview section (and I meassure a certain distance in the image to be 92 mm). This is the same distance shown in Photoshop at "100 %", so this is 1:1. 

Now, if I point the cursor at something in the image and press the left mouse button, the image is enlarged relatively to the point where the cursor is located (and the distance meassured has been enlarged to 138 mm).
Problem: At the same time the message "100 %" appears at the screen (but only the first time).
This largest image is not (1:1) and should not be called "100 %". It's actually 1.5 times larger linearly, i.e. 1:1.5 (in this case).

Bug , Image processor , Problem or error






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