Numerous Newbie Questions
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I'm a CC subscriber, and recently downloaded Muse. When I did so, a notification popped up and said Adobe would host up to 5 basic sites for free. I can find no other info, and I'm trying to plan things out.
First, how much data can be hosted/transferred through such a site?
Second, can I transfer my existing URL into BC without adding /businesscatalyst to the address?
Third, why does Adobe make finding information so difficult?
Fourth, I simply want to use Muse to rebuild a couple of existing sites, yet I was directed here from on-line chat, had to set up a new account to gain access to Live Chat, yet there is no live chat button in existence. What gives?
Fifth, does anyone else have frustrating issues like this, or am I just blind and missing something that's blatantly obvious to everyone else?
Thanks for any input you can give me.
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I just wanted to reply that yes, someone else does have frustrations like yours and I have no idea why Adobe makes finding information so difficult!! I keep uploading my site's index.html file and it just gets overwritten by some lorem ipsum default webpage stuff. But you don't want to know about my troubles! I was hoping to see an answer to your questions here, but apparently there are none. Good luck.
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First Google Search:
"business catalyst creative cloud" and the first few results have various answers that cover that.
Live chat is on quite a lot of the time but can not be up 24 hours a day for the whole globe.