Hello, I’m having some trouble with Photoshop CC, specifically with the Camera Raw Filter.
I have created multiple ACR presets that I use to apply various photo effects to my images. When I created these presets and saved them, I specifically didn't check any of the settings relating to the Transform, Lens Profile Corrections, Chromatic Aberration, Lens Vignetting and the Camera Calibration panels.

I did this because I don’t want those settings to change when I apply one of my presets. The settings in those sections are generally related to the workings of my equipment and I don’t want to have to redo those settings if I decide to apply an effect to my image.
This method generally works with one significant exception. Even though I have specifically left Lens Corrections out of my saved settings (by not checking that box when saving the preset), some settings in the Lens Correction panel (specifically the Defringe Purple Hue and Green Hue sliders) always get reset to the default values
when the preset is applied.
Can anyone give me some thoughts on this?