Leica has recently introduced a firmware update for their current M10 rangefinder camera series, the M10-P, M10-R and M10 Monochrom. This uses the camera's level sensors to add metadata that Lightroom can use as guides for automatic perspective correction on the raw files. It is a really nice and useful function.
This works beautifully for the M10-P, and I believe (but without personal experience) the M10-R. But I cannot for the life of me persuade it to work with the M10 Monochrom. The function is working fine in the camera but LR refuses to play ball.
This is very frustrating, specially as all the PR guff talks about it being developed in collaboration between Leica and Adobe. Is it a develpoment that hasn't made it into the outside world yet for the Monochrom, or is it a bug?
ACR in Photoshop is exactly the same as far as I can see - works as expected with the M10-P but not the Monochrom.