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A crop tool and a zoom/decrease action inside the cropped area

Participant ,
Apr 05, 2024 Apr 05, 2024

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Hi all.

This action is more for evaluation purposes.

Usually, to do this, I take an uncropped image and look at it through a hole in whatman paper. But I am a little surprised by the fact that I cannot do this with 21st century tools. 
I cannot find any key combinations (or such an action is not provided at all) to enlarge or reduce the image inside the cropped area. Of course, you can simply enlarge or reduce the image in the editing tab, but this is not always the case, since the aspect ratio may be completely different from that of the program’s viewport window.

With the cropping tools, I can, of course, do something similar, holding only one of the sides of the borders, but this is the image:
1. Shifts to one side.
2. It will become smaller (relative to the entire viewport/window) and it will be more difficult to accurately see the picture in order to more accurately evaluate it! correct boundaries. You will need to switch from the cropping tab to the editing tab, and then return to the cropping tab again. Not that.

This raises the question. Is it possible to "twist" the size of a picture relative to the cropping boundaries? 🙂


(Since for now I make do with a sheet of whatman paper, or enlarge the image in the editing tab (as if by doing so I crop it and determine how best to crop it), and then, in order not to lose the places where I need to crop the picture, I go to the masks tab and make 4 points with a brush in the corners and change the exposure for them. I return to the cropping tab and there, using these four points, I crop the image. Well, funny. And no other tools are provided to visually determine the boundaries. Sorry.)

macOS , Windows






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