ACR presets missing
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With the most recent updates to Bridge/PS/ACR, some of my presets have disappeared from Camera RAW. The actual files are still in the correct folder, but are no longer recognized by ACR. If I try to load them manually, I get the following error: Unable to load raw conversion settings. The Camera Raw settings in the selected ".XMP" metadata file are not compatible with this image.
Very frustrating since I use many of these presets. Any suggestions on how to make them compatible again?
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In some text edit files I see the - CameraProfileDigest
And on some I see the - CameraProfile, which is often called Adobe Standard.
Not necessarily both in the same file.
Remove the 2 lines entirely, or rename ?
Is there a way to batch edit and find and replace the two lines?Probably not since the two lines are not necessarily the same for all?
Are you saying these 2 lines are the reason ACR 11 can't see/open the presets ?
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It worked!!! Thank you. Now to change 50 more presets
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Oh no, did we find a way to batch rename these?
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I did with notepad++, using a macro. It took me 2 minutes
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Hey man!
Could I pay you via Venmo or paypal to rename my files for me?
I could upload them to a Google Drive?
Would really appreciate it,
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Having the same issue. Will there be a fix soon ?
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I have the exact same problem, also for my VSCO Presets. They work perfectly in Lightroom Classic though... Renaming them one by one is not really an option for me, I have far too many.
My lost presets don't show up in the profile browser either.
I hope Adobe will fix this soon, until then I'll have to use CR 10.5
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I also use the vsco presets on 90% of my work and now they are unavailable smh Hopefully Adobe fixes this soon
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Go back to RAW 10.5 as indicated above - VSCO presets re-appear instantly! Camera Raw plug-in installer
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Just to confirm, ACR 11.0 works the same for me. 11.1 did introduce the issue.
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Yes, but I couldn’t downgrade to 11. Only to 10.5
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I have the same problem. Half of my presets disappeared in photoshop. I also cannot import them with the same error you get.
I noticed, that the presets that disappeared in photoshop are now displayed in italics in Lightroom (although they still work there).
Anyone know, what that means?
I hope Adobe fixes this soon!
Cheers, Christoph
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I am having the exact same issue. Been trying to fix for two days straight with no joy.
Adobe: I'm a pro photohrapher and need this Adobe camera raw issue fixed!!
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I don't know if anyone else found a better fix but I noticed like you that my presets in LR were italics.
When I wanted to install the presets into LR CC I had to update them - I don't remember how I did it but if you click on the preset to activate it in LR and then right click it and 'update with current settings' it should change from faded italics to solid non-italics font and then if you open (or close and then open) ACR the presets will be in there.
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I had this issue and tried numerous work arounds. I did install ACR 10.5 but still couldn't load my VSCO presets through photoshop 19.0 or 20.0. I would try to load them in LR and they said they loaded but couldn't see them. The magic trick is to restart your mac after your updates. For some reason, ACR and PS don't work properly after an update until you restart your computer. The restart even fixed my home screen window issue on start up of PS 20.0.
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I have a working solution to this issue that involves a batch search and replace of VSCO xmp files in Mac if you're comfortable with terminal. I don't know if this will work with any other presets besides VSCO. First make a copy of the xmp files and place in a folder for a back up of originals in case Adobe eventually fixes this. If you have other presets xmp files besides non-working VSCO presets, I'd recommend placing them in a temp folder so they are not accidentally edited with this command. Then open terminal and go into the preset folder and type or copy/paste this:
perl -pi -w -e 's/crs:CameraProfile=.*/crs:CameraProfile="Adobe Standard"/g;' *.xmp
After I did this I got all my VSCO presets back in ACR11. For some reason the line: "CameraProfile=" in the XMP files that contains anything other than "Adobe Standard" doesn't work right now.
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Thank you Christopher I will give this a try when I get home I use Vsco presets as well
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Thank you for this. Do you first take all the presets out of the folder, or do you paste that line into the terminal window whilst they’re in place?
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What this command is doing is going into every xmp file then finding and replacing the line, crs:CameraProfile="XXXX" to crs:CameraProfile="Adobe Standard" and then saving the file. So I recommend you make a copy of all the preset xmp files first in case something goes wrong, or if Adobe ever fixes this, and then do this command on the files in the preset folder that you're going to use for now.
I don't really know how presets work, but my gut feeling is this CameraProfile is labeled whatever the preset is in VSCO, but the newer browse portion of Camera Raw needs a category it knows (ex Adobe Standard). What I still don't know is if by changing this to Adobe Standard if it's applying different curves, etc. But so far for me, the presets feel right, but I haven't done a comparison between pre-edit xmp and after xmp edit to 100% verify what the consequences are in changing this line in the xmp.
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Sounds like you're not in the folder in terminal. I can't see the screenshot you posted.
The presets should be in:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings
Once you're in that folder you can confirm you're in the correct folder by typing: ls and you should see a list of all the xmp files in terminal. Then go ahead and do the perl command:
perl -pi -w -e 's/crs:CameraProfile=.*/crs:CameraProfile="Adobe Standard"/g;' *.xmp
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Thanks very much Christopher. That worked and I see them now ! Much appreciated.
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EVERYONE, THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE ANSWER. I got all of my VSCO presets working again in Adobe Camera Raw 11.3
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I had this problem too.
I found if I opened a photo in ACR taken on my old nikon it would only show me nikon VSCO presets.
But if I opened a photo from my new sony it wouldn't show me any presets.
My VSCO presets are old and thus I only have the camera profiles for the old nikon, not the new sony.
VSCO says if you login and re-download the presets it will come with new camera profile. But I notice they are discontinuing VSCO film soon so....
In the meantime after much seemingly random clicking I right clicked on a dummy preset (created in another experiment) and found a "show partially compatible presets" option in ACR. Clicked that and tadaa. The presets appeared. They are greyed out but they are clickable and seem to work fine.
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Thanks for this added bonus. I was wondering why LR showed them greyed out but PS wouldn't.