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Ich wandle meine Bilder in Adobe DNG Converter 6.7 um, weil ich sie in Adobe Lightroom 3 aufbewahre. Extra bearbeiten tue ich dann einzelne Fotos in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Ein Fotogeschäft hat mir nun nahegelegt, ich soll die Fotos für Ausdrücke auf Papier im Geschäft nur als sRGB online weiterreichen (bisher waren etlichen mit ProPhoto RGB dabei). Ich frage erstens, weshalb überhaupt die Fotos in ProPhoto RGB in Adobe Photoshop auftauchen. Passiert diese Einstellung durch die Umwandlung in Adone DNG Converter? Ich finde dort aber keine Einstellungsmöglichkeit beim Umwandeln der Bilder in Adobe DNG Converter.
Da ich eine ältere Version von Mac OS verwende (Snow Leopard), habe ich Adobe DNG Converter 6.7 English momentan installiert. Ich finde keine neuere Version auf Deutsch, welche für meine anderen Adobe Programme passt.
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khuegell wrote
Adobe DNG Converter - photos in sRGB instead of ProPhoto RGB
I convert my images in Adobe DNG Converter 6.7 because I keep them in Adobe Lightroom 3. Extra edit I do then individual photos in Adobe Photoshop CS5. A photo business has now advised me that I should pass online the photos for expressions on paper in the business just as sRGB (RGB has been doing a number with ProPhoto). First of all, I wonder why popping up at all the photos in ProPhoto RGB in Adobe Photoshop. Happens this setting by transforming it into adone DNG Converter? I find there but no adjustment when converting images in Adobe DNG Converter.
Since I'm using an older version of Mac OS (Snow Leopard), I have installed Adobe DNG Converter 6.7 English at the moment. I find no newer version on German which fits for my other Adobe programs.
Raw files (including DNG files) do not have a color profile – they are one channel greyscale files.
But the raw conversion creates a new RGB file that can, and should have a color profile.
When you use Edit in Photoshop with Lightroom (which will create a new file, derived from the DNG), you can set the color space in LR's preferences under External editing. Although you can set it to sRGB, I do not recommend it, because a larger color space, like Adobe RGB or ProPhoto is better for editing.
When you have finished editing in Photoshop and save the file, it will appear in Lightroom as a tiff or psd, depending on what you have chosen under File format in LR preferences > External editing.
Then use Export to create a new file for printing, and set the color space to sRGB.
The latest version of the DNG converter (11.1) can be downloaded here:
Digital Negative (DNG), Adobe DNG Converter | Adobe Photoshop CC
In think it is available in English only. If you use it, make sure to set Compatibility to Camera Raw 6.6 and later in preferences.
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I use Adobe DNG Converter 7.4. for Mac in German for Snow Leopard again and this works (I took this version form my Time Machine Backup).
If I open a DNG file in Adobe Photoshop I could choose sRGB.
But I import all photos (DNGs) of a folder in Lightroon 3 first and then edit some of them in Adobe Photoshop CS 5 using right click on the mouse "editing in Adobe Photoshop). Also if I change the color in LRT's preferences to sRGB (which is not recommended) my photos appear in Adobe Photoshop as ProPhoto RGBs clicken on the right.
So it seems to be that I have to change the profile (sRGB) in Adobe Photoshop before I save all the photos which will be printed in a new folder (?)
If I send my photos to other person f.i. via Google Drive I have to change them also to sRGB (?)
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In Photoshop, just save and close the file. This is a Master file, which you should keep in ProPhoto (or Adobe RGB). Once you click Save, it will appear in Lightroom, as a tiff or psd.
Select the image in Library, and click Export. Choose sRGB as a color space, and set other parameters as required.
You can then use the exported file for printing.
If I send my photos to other person f.i. via Google Drive I have to change them also to sRGB
sRGB is a safe choice, unless you have been asked for something else. (i.e. Adobe RGB)
But never send files in ProPhoto, which is for editing only.