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Pshop 26.2 and raw 17.1.1. absolute latest.
I open a jpg into Camera Raw, file>openas>camera raw
I choose mask and paint the entire area then do exposure
create a second mask paint all over, apply dehaze
ditto make clarity.
open the image and save as .tiff
close the jpg WITHOUT SAVING IT.
I can then open it again and see my masks, this is the workaround to pshp failing to save .xmp for non native raw files, such as scans of 35mm negs, slides, flat bed scans etc. perfectly valid rasters since the start of photography.
I then open the next image it needs the same conversion,
go apply previous settings..AND NOTHING HAPPENS, NO MASKS ARE SHOWN.
If I have a load of these images needing same conversion, what the heck does one do to overcome this issue ?
since I installed pshop its been one discovery of 'what the heck' after another.
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I haven't used this feature, but I'm thinking that closing ACR then opening a new file clears the previous version. Has this worked in the past?
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In tha past I used CS6 and it had raw 9.1.1 and no masks feature, So this loss of masks and inability to reapply them to the next image is something experienced for the first time now.
having soent ages creating masks, needing to apply the same masks to a number of images. One wants to reuse them.
Doing a test' in CS6 open as>camera raw' on a .jpg and applying sliders, opening into pshop, then opening another same method and 'apply previous conversion' saw the sliders adopt the same positions.
do that in raw 17.1.1 and that still works.
Its the fact that masks also get used as part of the conversion process, and they are not re-applied when 'previous settings' option is chosen.
so the conversion is incomplete, basically its not happened.
This is for Open as>camera Raw method.
Testing for a default raw file from a camera such as a Canon dSLR.
apply previous settings works in raw 17.1.1
owever if previous work involved masks, it fails to introduce the masks.
So apply previous settings IGNORES MASKS, be it a native raw file or an open as>raw method.
whilst open as saves no .xmp file, a native raw file has generated an .xmp
Thats a real nuisance as wanting to use same masks work on a number of photos, IS NOT POSSIBLE !
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You can apply mask from another file, in the current version of camera raw, opening the files directly into it. Can can sync the corrections and just unchecked all except for masking.