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Camera RAW & bridge hangs when opening Ricoh Z1 DNG files with preset (pre-) applied

Community Beginner ,
Apr 04, 2022 Apr 04, 2022

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Bridge:  v12.0.1.146

Camera Raw: v14.2.0.1028

Camera: Ricoh Theta Z1 19GB version, FW 2.00.1

OS: Windows 10 Pro latest


Bridge + ACR occasionally hangs when you open DNG file that has a(ny) preset applied. 

When no preset is applied (a prestine DNG file downloaded from camera) ACR opens the file without any issues.

A preset is either set:

  1. through Bridge (right click > Develop Settings > add cert. preset, or
  2. through editing in ACR first, then saved (preset is saved as well) and then to reopen the DNG file through Bridge again.

In both instances Bridge + ACR crashes and hangs due to the preset.


More Info

- I create the presets from a prestine Z1 DNG file and then save it in ACR. This way I can add presets in Bridge to several and similar (raw) photo's before opening (again) in Bridge + ACR

- I do not have this issue with DNG files with preset applied from other camera's (e.g. DJI drones & action cams). These open in ACR as expected. 



- In Bridge right click on DNG file for context menu > Develop Settings > Clear Settings and then open DNG file in ACR for editing (you can add the preset again) and savings into another file format.

- Open a selected series of DNG  files in which the first DNG file has no preset applied. 


Is rather annyoing as you now need to clear out the ACR edits first before opening these RAW files again. 









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