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Hallo !
I updated my Camera Raw to Camera Raw version 12.3... Terrible ... so angry ... Worthless ... Why are they doing like this ?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....I also want to go back to previos version !
I have a Imac macOs Catalina vers. 10.15.5
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The word is that a fix is in the works. A lot of people are angry so Adobe is doing something about it. Don't know what it is because I don't work for Adobe, not associated with them at all. Here is the link to revert to the previous version:
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Thanks a lot Jim ! I really hope Adobe will understand to fix this .... soon .... I am just trying to get some attention so that Adobe will understand ... 👿 take care ... 😄
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I am NOT Adobe, no connection whatsoever. This is a user to user forum, and I am just another user like yourself. Apparently, Adobe has gotten the word, at least from what I have gathered from following the forums. And from what I have read, there will be a fix of one sort or another at some point in the future. And that is all I know.
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When it first opened the window gave me an option between the last version, and the new 12.3 version. It said that I could revert back tot he classic layout in the "Preferences," so I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't like it, and there is nothing that I can find in the preferences to take me back.
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It seems that a lot of users read that message just a little too quickly. What it indicated was that the new default position for thumbnails in Camera Raw was at the bottom of the screen, and that it was possible to change the position of the thumbnails. There was nothing in that message that indicated that it was possible to go back to the old user interface.
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Ah, that makes sense. Bummer.
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Then the message was flawed, poorly thought through. (Much like the new interface...) I saw the same message and thought the same thing. Oh well, it's achieved one thing: made me look for a third-party tool instead.
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I´m furious!!!
When I open any RAW image via the latest Camera Raw version, it reduces the size from 6000x4000 pixel to 1000x667 pixel and after several hours of searching for a solution to this BIG PROBLEM, I have to give up. Apart from diverse other annoyances by which the new version, - like usually - successfully destroys the familiar workflow, this one tops the negative experiences of nearly 20 years of work going back to PS 4.
What really tops it all - among all the Adobe products listed on the support page, Camera Raw is not mentioned.
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I agree!
Terrible ... so angry ... Worthless ... Why are they doing like this ?
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i have also problems with the camera raw:
- image size in the new .raw update picture resize does somehow not work also when generating panorama.
- pixelated on some images
i hope they fix the issues quick
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I don´t know if it helps, but my problem with image size after opening a file via CR originated from a checkmark on the item "picture size" (translated from the german version) in the "workflow" menu of CR settings. Once I removed it, this one of my problems was solved.
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When a design software company is replacing astablished icons with text, it’s just wrong. It’s like Apple switching from their logo to a word mark. Also the collapsing and opening windows just slow you down. @Adobe: if you really want to stick to this new layout, at least give us customisable shortcuts, so we can have a workaround to keep a fast and smooth workflow. While we’re at it: there are a couple of shortcuts assigned to different functions, like "b". I don’t know if this is just in the German version.
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Yeah, everying was just fine in the last version. Everything I was familar with was still there, and now everthing is a mess. I used to be able to edit while lying in bed, and now it's mandatory that I use the keyboard to get around. Them changing how the zoom works is one of many of my biggest gripes.
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The Zoom Tool — The Zoom tool’s default behavior has been modified – click in the image area to toggle between Fit in View and 100%.
• If you prefer the Zoom tool to automatically swap to the hand tool when zoomed into 100%, click the Settings icon (the gear) and choose General > Zoom and Pan and enable “Use Lightroom Style Zoom and Pan”.
• When moving from one image to another in the filmstrip, the zoom percentage and location will stay constant. To vary the zoom between images disable Global Zoom Editing from the Zoom Level popup in the lower left.
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Even if I changed those settings, that doesn't solve the issue of it changing how I edit entirely. It was easy to zoom in and out to the exact amount of image I wanted to view with just the mouse. Also, now the scroll wheel changes the brush size, and they already had a perfecly functional shortcut for that that also didn't involve me having to touch the keyboard. I could do all my adjustments with the mouse previously.
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Adobe has said it won't roll things back to how they were. We can install older versions of ACR but that's not a permanent solution. Really, we have two choices:
My hopes are on a third-party replacement for ACR. What are peoples' favourites? Capture One? Topaz? DxO Photolab?