Full color control and selection tool in masks
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Hi all,
It would be great to have full color control in masks instead of only color and tint bar.
So often I have a bluehish background in the shadows, or artificial light orange that I´d love to fine tune only in a part of the image using masks, but color and tint bar is too generic for me...
The color mixer is only available at the first level and not in masks. I wonder why since long ago, always thought a next release would add it, but no.
Another tool that would be great in masks would be a hand-free selection tool (herramienta lazo in Spanish)
Any thoughs about this?
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Newly added Point Color for Global and Local adjustments allows for a three-dimensional (HSL) selection of and adjustment in three dimensions (HSL) of any color on your image with the option to refine ranges and outputs.
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Hi Rikk, thanks for your answer. Not sure I fully understand what you mean. I have the last Camera Raw update 15.5.1. It seems that what you are talking is the main color control (I actually don't use HLS but color by color one). What I'm missing is the same color control panel into masks. Imagine a white boat floating on a bay, the whole color set-up is quite blueish for the water and the sky. Now i create a mask for the boat to fine tune things like highlights and shadows b.e. but I would also like to change only the blue on the boat and that´s what is not possible at the moment because mask color control is much more reduced (only hue and tint, then tone and saturation). See the screenshots attached.
Do you think it´s something feasible in the near future? I have friends that work with capture one, they use layers for their masks and all the controls are the same for all layers.
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Camera Raw 16.0 - released today.
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Ok, thanks a lot, yes it seems it will be helpful for my needs (after learning the new tool ha ha)
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Any chance to get this tool in PS as an adjusment layer, without the need to launch CR filter to a pixel layer ? Thank you !