NITIDEZZA in Camera Raw
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La Nitidezza in Camera Raw rimane, assolutamente, insufficiente, rispetto a software come Capture one.
Se aumento la nitidezza sugli occhi in un ritratto, si forma un disturbo, una grana, che deteriora l'immagine. Non si può migliorare?
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The sharpness in Camera Raw remains, absolutely, insufficient, compared to software like Capture one.
If I increase sharpness on the eyes in a portrait, a disturbance is formed, a grain, which deteriorates the image. Can't it be improved?
I, and many others, find the sharpening in Camera Raw/Lightroom to be excellent.
Please post a screenshot of the Detail tab in Camera Raw with your settings, as well as a screenshot of (part of) the image at 100% without sharpening.
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Ciao Per,
con gli screenshot, fatti con il cellulare, non so quanto si possa vedere!! Ma a mio parere la nitidezza in Camera Raw è poco efficace, rispetto a Capture one. Infatti, nella mia post, applico la nitidezza solo in Photoshop con Accentua Passaggio. Peccato perchè si dovrebbe applicare sul File raw in fase di sviluppo.
Grazie mille.
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Ciao Per,
with screenshots, made with the phone, I do not know how much you can see!! But in my opinion the sharpness in Camera Raw is not very effective, compared to Capture one. In fact, in my post, I apply sharpness only in Photoshop with Accentuate Passage. Too bad because you should apply on the raw file under development.
Thank you very much.
The image is in my opinion grossly oversharpened, even 40 appears too sharp.
Click the white triangle (to the right of 140) to see all the sharpening options.
Try setting Sharpening to 25, and Radius to 0.5, and drag the Masking slider to the right to protect flat areas (like smooth skin) from sharpening.
Hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac) to see the effect. White areas will be sharpened, black areas will be protected. (the screenshot below is from Lightroom Classic, but it works the same way in ACR)
In the future, please insert screenshots directly in your posts by clicking the Insert Photos button in the toolbar.
Also, please use your computer to create proper screenshots.
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Grazie mille Per,
per tutte le utili informazioni!! Grazie davvero
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It helps to understand the sharpening workflow and what its basis is for effective usage.